Yachts at Night .
There is just something extremely satisfying when you manage to Capture a scene that even experts have problems with. Night Photography and Yachts or boats on the water are two things that are almost always working against the Photographer when He takes a photo.
There is no “one way” or “proper” way to take the photos , Its what works for you , I will try my best to give you some great hints so if you do try this type of theme , you know what to expect.
Hints and Tips - The Best time to get photos of yachts on the water is on windless full mooned partly cloudy nights. Problem is , those nights hardly ever happen.
If there is any wind , it causes small waves and the boats move . It is possible to grab a photo of the yachts without to much movement.
If you look at the top of the yachts mast , you can see how much movement there was when the photo was taken.
See if you can scout out the spot during the day and then plan your photo. Try and compose the photo in your mind , and then see if you can find your spot on the shoreline that is not in a dangerous place
If you are in someones property , ASK before you start shooting. Respect their decision .
Just be aware many Harbours around the word it is illegal to take photos , so one has to be content to shoot from the shoreline outside the Harbour perimeter
A Light Tripod is a must , and I urge you to practice your settings in total darkness at home.
See if you can find the flash button , and the Aperture wheel … Yes , Do take a work torch , but if you know your camera , and have practiced it over and over , you cannot go wrong.
I have had times when I was Taking photos of Lightning and I had about 3 secs to adjust my settings before the next strike …
- Take photos LATER or In the Very Early Hours of the morning - There is less Boat Traffic on the water .
In Many Places , Just as the sun is about to com up , there is a few minutes without wind. Its like the area is taking a breath before the new day .
If there is Fog , AWESOME . go and shoot… Just make sure you take a cloth to drape over your camera , as water droplets will quickly form all over your Camera
All the photos taken here above were in the same Location , - Saldanha Bay Yacht Club , On the West Coast Of South Africa . I had access and permission as i was running the yacht club.
Because i was there for about 6 years , I knew what weather would produce the best photos , I also had loads of time to experiment.
On Cold Winters nights , I would put my Heavy Weather Sailing Jacket on , By woolen hat , and take my Rusty old Aluminium Tripod and walk along the yacht clubs shoreline taking photos. My Stray Cat would always accompany me. I would take a Torch , and a pen and paper .
I would start on on side , set up the Tripod , and Take Tester shots. I would quickly see what the best settings were.
I will Do a Part Two Tomorrow , Explaining what Settings I used and Why
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