Night lights in Vancouver

Car driving by Pacific Blv in Vancouver Canada. On this section you can see the new Parq Casino hotel and Resort which is connected to Rogers Arena.

Camera: Canon 5D Mkiii

Lens: Canon 24-70mm f2.0

Shot @ 35mm

Aperture: F22

Shutter speed: 1/30

ISO: 100

The camera, lens, and aperture have much less to do with achieving this effect than the shutter speed does. The one factor that makes this effect possible is the shutter speed. I set this photo for 1/3 which is three seconds. it allows for everything in the frame being exposed for three seconds, including the moving car and causes it to capture the headlights of the car as it is driving by the camera. The camera was also on a Gorilla mini tripod close to the ground. The tripod is also essential for keeping the camera steady for the three seconds.


This Light painting is so cool.


Totally love it. :heart_eyes:



Thank you @RamboRazor appreciate the comment :pray:

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Hello @Dwaldner ,

Thank you for sharing this amazing photo with us. what camera did you use?

I’m not a photography specialist, but as far as I know, in order to take such a shot one plays with the speed of the lens of the camera! Am I right?

Are you a photographer? What are the things that you like taking photos of? By adding more details to your post you make them more attractive to other Local Guides.

You can always have a look at Please Read: Posting on “Photography” Board article, it might be helpful for your next post.

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Thank you for the suggestion @BorrisS I have updated my post to share some additional details about the photo.

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You’re welcome @Dwaldner .

Thank you very much for the provided details and explanations.

Can’t wait to see more of your photography.

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