Nigeria Delicacy: Dan wake

Hy all. A week back, i was in the northern part of Nigeria. I decided to visit an old friend, i was given dan wake to eat.

This food is common in the north, although i have been in the north for quite some time and i haven’t taken it before. So i decided to try it out. The food was delicious and i decide to share my experience here. I am sure @TraciC will be visiting Abuja, Nigeria few days from now(although you are selective with food). Ingredients used are:

  1. Beans flour
  2. Cassava flour (bind the bean flour as it contain lots of starch)
  3. baking soda
  4. kuka powder

What can be served with Dan wake

  1. Ultimate Nigeria Stir-fry
  2. Sliced Vegetables e.g Onions, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Cucumber
  3. Eggs
  4. Suya cayenne pepper (yaji)
  5. Sauteed vegetable

I hope you all try it out. In fact some of our local guides @Sagir & @iGana rate the food as their second most consumed


Before i forget, today is @Sagir 's birthday. Wish you a long life and prosperity. How about having a ‘dan wake’ meetup?


Nice one… Thanks for the food update.

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Hi @Abdullahi_cap ,

Thank you for sharing with us.

The dish looks really appetizing and my first impression is how fresh looking it is!

Can it be consumed as a healthy quick lunch?

Yes it can


Hi @Abdullahi_cap ,

Thanks for sharing the recipe with us and I`m planning to try it. I have never cooked Nigerian food, so this is going to be my first step to the cuisine of Africa.

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Wow, happy to hear that. Do make sure you share your review and photos with us :grin: