Nie opublikowano opinii


Kilka miesięcy temu opublikowałem opinię i dziś dostałem informacje, że opinii nie opublikowano.

Coś ostatnio się dzieje w Googlach, bo czasami dostaję komunikaty o nieopublikowaniu opinii. Co waszym zdaniem w tej opinii jest nie tak?

Pozmieniałem treści, usunąłem niektóre filmiki i nada to samo.


@777s don’t try to analyze what exactly was refused by reading the entire text. Remove (i.e. cut) the most part of the text, keep it in your editor and try if the first phrase alone will be accepted. If yes, add one more sentence and try again. When you find the sentence which caused AI to refuse it, do the same word by word.

There are many similar reports here on Connect. Google does not explain what dir cause the problem! I had a case, where just removing an hyphen (-) solved it. I suspect, for to get AI work, all non-english phrases need to be translated first and automatic translation many times is much less than perfect!

@777s and @WilfriedB

I just wanted to remind you that the reasons for hiding contributions might not be inside the individual contributions. I believe the spam filters include a more holistic look at the profiles. This makes sense to me as stopping spammers need a broader approach.



A little time-consuming but thank you

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