Next step forward

I have been asking more questions then I can answer with the FACTS. I do apologize for not responding sooner. I keep getting the same question about what do, and how much money :moneybag: do Google Maps Team Member make. The :trophy: and :heart: my best answer is you can’t put a price on WHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM GOOGLE MAPS AND TRYING THE SEARCH ENGINES so when I can find out how to use my Google points and credit to help me get to my next level and that’s the Google Workshop where I can find what I need with first. Yes you do get more than MONEY :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: YOU GET KNOWLEDGE AND TO ME YOU CAN’T PUT A PRICE ON. I USE ALL.CAPS BECAUSE OF MY VISION. HAVE A GOOGLE DAY.