Thank you again for all the wonderful changes made recently to our contributions page with so many great features and upgrades. Especially our public and non-public lists and having that content so accessible and viewable all together, As I adjust to the functionality of the changes, I was curious how the ’Following’ feature works as it relates to our public profile as well as other LGs and the Connect forum.
The first screenshot is of my public profile which I accessed via Google Maps and I do not understand why it reflects that I am not following anyone (assuming businesses) as I currently do follow a handful of local businesses. The second screenshot is what displays when I actually select ‘Following’ — again, ‘Not following anyone’.
Lastly, if I access my contributions page via Connect, it’s identical to the first screenshot …exactly the same. The only difference is when I select ‘Following’ it reflects those LGs that I am actually following, which is accurate (screenshot below).
Could a Moderator so kindly offer some assistance as either my public profile is inaccurate or I am just not wrapping my head around it’s functionality?
Thank you very much @JanVanHaver & it further confirms its’ inaccuracy as in Maps I am following several businesses, so why is that number not reflecting?
Thank you very much @MashaPS for your timely reply. Unfortunately both Google Maps and Connect or incorrect as it reflects 0 following and I am following a total of 8 collectively.
@JanVanHaver@MashaPS While I am still working on getting over the Information viewable and accuracy under the ‘Following’ category of our updated Maps profiles, I am still in need of some guidance regarding a Maps list issue.
If I could please have the assistance of a Moderator to take a look at my recent post for help on a frustrating occurrence at your convenience.