Newbie Question

While I’ve uploaded quite a few photos to restaurants in my area (DC) - admittedly, I’m not quite clear on where the views come from. Some photos have been viewed 200+ times, while one photo has been viewed 78,800 times and I posted it just 5 weeks ago. Can you tell me where this image is showing up (besides a google search?) and why/how it would create so many views? Is it realistic it’s been seen that many times? I’m sure the restaurant would love to know. Thanks!


Great question, and it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how or why. One of the first things that comes to mind is when they search via Google images and the keywords associated with the images are linked to that search as well as the caption or description for the image. For instance, if you have a picture of an amusement park in a city and your caption reads “Favourite amusement park in metropolitan Chicago”. If someone searches let’s say amusement park in U.S. and Google’s algorithms identifies your picture as related to the search, the image will come up.


Thank you for your answer. Glad to know it’s somewhat random. For the image in question, I had neglected to add a caption…perhaps it’s attributed to the popularity of the restaurant. Thx!


Thank you for asking, @CherieLester

The number of views of a picture depends of several reasons, mostly related to:

Number of visit to the Business Listing in Google Maps

Ranking of your photos in the Business Listing. Number of total photos in the listing, quality of the picture, subject of the picture.

A month ago I posted two pictures of a business. The first one was chosen as “cover photo” of the business, and reached 1500 views in a few days, while the second one has only 100 views.

What I mean is that the number of the views in Google Maps is more related to the search in maps than the search in Google photos


Thank you @ErmesT - that makes sense. The photo is indeed now their cover photo, and they are a very popular spot. I work with them occasionally and wanted to be able to somewhat accurately explain the variation - sometimes wildly- between photo views. I’m always preaching about the power of good quality photos and now I have proof!:slight_smile:


Ok I can see some of what the those who’ve responded are saying but I have a photo that’s sitting at over 750k. Another at 120k. Neither is of anything all that interesting or for places that would see that much interest in Google searches. Respectively a bar and chicken place. I’m not complaining really it just doesn’t seem legit.


Well, this is interesting, @VidJunky .

It is the first time that I see a LG that only posted two photos and is near to a million of view. Congratulations!!

When did you posted the two photos?

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Hello @CherieLester ,

Thanks for reaching out!

It’s a good question, and I think you’ll find your answer in the comment provided by @ErmesT .

I am letting you know that I have moved your post to the How-tos section, where other Local Guides who may be wondering the same, can find an answer.


If I may give my understanding of search may help or may not. Google learns y

If I may. Google will learn an idivindivis search by what they ask the most and the way they phrase it. The algarythem it the searches for the mist likely commen factor from your combined search and the would apply the search to the way you ask or type the questions. And finds the common denomenator. And pulling up the top results based on that the more we input and people search the post or picture ask those same key words based same way but starts with the device location to help you. I would think that is the most simple way to understand. However I am a guide and a tech nerd. So I could be wrong. Let me know if you think I’m close. Thank you. Please I meant no offense to your reply. ,:innocent: