New York City and a Google Maps List!

Down to only a few hours left to enjoy New York City!!! What to do???

I needed to head to the airport by 1pm from Brooklyn. What can I possibly hope to cross off the list in that short amount of time? Lucky for me, the amazing @TraciC was able to whip together a Google Maps “List” of ideas tailor-made just for ME :smiley:

This feature is only available on mobile (so far) but it’s one I’m sure we’ve all seen recently. When you tap to star a business in Google Maps, you now have choices. I’ve used “Review” a ton (handy) and the old standby “Saved” lives here as well. “Lists” are something I never really explored. It’s a lot like creating a “My Map” of the locations you love to share with anyone. Biggest difference: SUPER SIMPLE, SUPER EASY!!!

Here’s a great article that was published on Google’s “The Keyword” in February when the feature launched. Written by Program Manager Zach Maier:

I’ve assembled the photos and video into a Google Photos Album, a Photos Story to be exact. Here’s the link to the entire story:

Here are some photos from the album:

I had a great time in my 5 hours and I hope if you ever find yourself with 5 free hours in NYC, you’ll be able to use Traci’s List too! Or make your own!


Thanks for sharing your story, photos, and experience with the lists feature in Maps, @KimberlyAnnG ! Awesome idea by @TraciC to create a custom list for you! I’ve used My Maps for work and I’ve used the list feature for places I want to go on an upcoming trip or around town.

Recently, I actually showed a coworker how to use Maps to create a list of places to share with her friend on their visit to Chicago. This inspires me to create a list that I can share for people visiting Miami, even specialized lists based on interests. Absolutely love this feature.


Exactly!!! It takes all of 5 minutes when you’re making a List with places you know well. Soooo much quicker and easier than MyMaps. I really think Lists are a better way to quickly share this kind of info.


@KimberlyAnnG agreed! Perfect case of its usefulness too in such a short time - you’ve inspired me!


Aw, @KimberlyAnnG . I’m so glad this list was helpful for you. @SP31 : After we did The Great Saunter this weekend (and then ate all day Sunday with our other Local Guides/friends), Kimberly was looking for a fun way to close out her visit in NYC while I was working and I literally created this list in a few minutes. It was so fun and I love how easy it is. So glad to hear you’re creating them too, @SP31 ! Kim: you’re the best at write-ups!!

Now for me to ask for suggestions for a trip to New Orleans.


Oh @TraciC !!! Just spent a whopping 10 minutes putting my NOLA List together for you :smiley: I was there in January 2015 for a long weekend. Not a lot of time but I was with friends that know it well. I took great notes :smiley:

Here’s some photos from THAT trip :smiley:

You are going to have so much FUN!!! :smiley:


Thank you, @KimberlyAnnG !


What a great team, @KimberlyAnnG and @TraciC :slight_smile:

And impressive list, of course! Thanks for sharing.


LOL @LuisRG ! We did roll around the city on Friday like a couple of 10 year olds! Sooooo much fun! Did you see The Boba Room pics? XD

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Great @KimberlyAnnG ! I’ve been in NY three times, and the last i had only few hours… i spent the whole time in MOMA :smiley: and in starbucks, because it was -28°C :smiley:

Thanks for sharing the story!

P.S. If you will be back home for may, 16, have a look here:

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Very nice pictures and writing, thanks for sharing.