New York burger + Japanese lunch + Hotel in Sri Lanka = 1 Million views

What are the common parts of these 3 pieces photos: a classic American burger, a typical Japanese lunch and a 5-star hotel in Sri Lanka?

  1. Authentic photos

These are unedited photos reflecting the real sencero. No need to fine tune the contrast, brightness, coloring, or anything. They are all real and authentic photos taken casually.

  1. Part of our daily life

Ordinary people can take the similar photos during their daily activities or travel. We can go the the same restaurant for ordering the same dishes and take similar photos. You can experience the same as the person uploaded the photos.

  1. Become a topic of conversation

“Out of the 1000+ photos uploaded at google map, can you guess what kind of photo is the most popular?” “For a single burger photo, how many views are generated in the last few months?” “Can you guess how many views of a nothing special hotel bed? 200? Or 5000?” It’s so much fun to play the mini guessing game with your good friends.

It’s all about sharing.

Take photos whenever we pass a bakery, a bus stop, or a school. These authentic, part of the life, easily recorded photos might become very popular photos at google map, as long as we share them publicly. Keep sharing.