New Year Food blogging (Moner Cafe Bandra)

it was new year’s evening and as usual, I was on my food hunt as soon as I saw this beautiful cafe I couldn’t resist myself to grab the food inside.

So on the menu, it was

1.Buttermilk Fried Chicken - Rating:[8/10]

2.Machiatto (coffee) - Rating: [8/10]

3.Mocha (Coffee) - Rating: [6/10]

4.Chocolate Passion - Rating: [10/10]

The best thing about the cafe was the chef was actually explaining the dish he was serving to us.

The chocolate passion pastry was just mind-boggling as it left a very sweet popping taste at every bite we had

I would suggest this place to every sweet tooth people
Chef Frenny was extremely passionate about her creations who is also the founder of the cafe.


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Hello @techieenomad

This is a fun experience indeed to enjoy good foods in a nice place where the friendly chef came to you to explain the dishes.

Do you have the picture of Buttermilk Fried Chicken that you had? I would be pleased to see it.

I suggest you to add the Google Maps’ link of Moner Cafe Bandra, so that our fellow Local Guides could know exactly where this nice place is and get a recommendation :smile:

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** @techieenomad **

Well I am totally tea lover,

But Thanks for Sharing your coffee love here…

Welcome to Local Guides Community…

We have old what’s app Local guide community here, please msg me if you like to join & explore more…

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Hi @techieenomad

Your love and taste for food especially hot drinks like coffee are evident from the various posts.

Thank you for the wonderful post :+1:

What technical domain are you a techie?

or should I rather call techieenomadfoodie?

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Hello @Shrut19 ,

I will definitely post some of the tea places too…

Yes, I would love to join the group, please guide me. :blush:

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Hello @TusharSuradkar

You guessed it right i am techie by my domain I am a data analyst but I am a wanderer and a food blogger by passion…basically I love to visit places and taste the types of coffee and desserts as well…
Until now I have visited many places but Mumbai has so many surprises that there are still places that are yet to be explored.

I have visited your profile which is quite interesting and inspiring I would love to contribute…

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Hi @techieenomad

For the love of coffee, I traveled all the way down south to a place called Kumbhakonam near Thanjavur when living in Bengaluru last year.

Kumbhakonam coffee is famous and they have several outlets in Bengaluru by that name which intrigued me to discover the place of origin.

The Coffee taste is heavenly. Highly recommended :+1: when destiny takes you there one day…

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