New year at the Cap de creus, Catalunya, Spain

the end of the year is beginning to show itself. last sunset from the most advanced point of land on this Mediterranean coast. clouds are coming. will we see the sun come out again soon? night is falling. last races for the festivities. everyone is gathering strength according to what awaits them; work or relaxation? this morning there were the olympic races, from 6 to 70 years old, between 200 m and 10 km depending on age. cheers echoed throughout the village bay. the party has only just begun… every time midnight strikes (every second!), you have to eat a grape and make a wish !!!


@Mjb Nice photos

The place ils very nice. Not a lot of flowers now but the first ones are coming. I think some of them (few) are the same you took pictures and presented years ago. Happy new year and tous family ! Cheers !