New Update for Mobile Gmaps app in android has made it quite easier to spot approved, pending and not applied edits.
It also highlights the suggested change in a tab. Number of views and edited name will also be available in this same tab.
I wish they also provide sorting option for approved, pending and not applied edits however so far new features have been quite handy.
Great catch, @Trail_blazer
I see the same in my Android app today.
I view this change more as a layout upgrade. Earlier we could not see the old name under a pending or approved name change but now we can.
I think it is note worthy that most edits are approved or not pretty quickly.
Hello @Trail_blazer
I saw that too on my mobile today while looking at some of my approved roads.
It looks cool really,I like the layout. I also realise that I see roads added in a same geographical region better together. I thought of sharing it too,but was too busy to bother about it. Thank you for sharing.
Would you like to join us on our TRAC-Next-Move-and-Target-Add-10k-Roads . Feel free anytime and welcome in advance.
Happy guiding
Olá, @Trail_blazer
“I wish they also provide sorting option for approved, pending and not applied edits however so far new features have been quite handy.”
Eu também gostaria muito (sempre falo disso) que o Google implementasse filtros:
Filtros para separar edições aprovadas, não aprovadas e pendentes;
Filtros para separar fotos publicadas e fotos ocultadas; Filtros para separar fotos por datas;
Filtros para separar comentários ocultos e comentários publicados;
Filtros, filtros e filtros.
Obrigado por compartilhar
@MortenCopenhagen I didn’t make lots of edits earlier but I did make some now there is still quite lag but I find it better than earlier. Within few weeks they decide on almost all edits however I can’t be highly conclusive as my edit count is still very few compared to yours.
@SholaIB well not the last we will definitely have more updates in future.
Let me clarify the backup issue. Earlier some edits went unnoticed for long periods of time - or Google Maps never acknowledged I submitted the edit. Not we get an acknowledgement within minutes or a few hours. The improvement in not related to getting approved or not.
@MortenCopenhagen edits going unnoticed is definitely an issue. In my case I have made some 400 edits lately and they were releasing them slowly. I was bit tired of checking them now and then but within few weeks almost all edits are looked at. But if I’m not wrong we get lots of queries related to edit approvals in connect I’m still sticking with the idea of waiting. I will have more say about the edits but I’m still observing and learning.
Amigos! We got the cool new features under the Google Map contribution profile edit dashboard,
those are can ui has changed. Now it’s in detail visible. which business we have edited and what is the edit. and it’s pending or public. I think this is an interface we got guys. Thank you for Google Map UI and UX designers Team Google Maps.
here I’m providing the screenshots of the new UI.
Hi @Prudhvi_Marri
Thanks for sharing this. It was discussed yesterday also, so I moved your post there to keep Connect organized.
@MortenCopenhagen "Thanks.“I’m grateful for your help,” “I really appreciate what you did,” and “You have my sincere thanks.”
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Auch ich bin begeistert von der neuen Darstellung, es wäre nur wünschenswert bei Ablehnungen Antworten zu können. Wenn auf map’s falsche Darstellungen beibehalten werden FÜHRT DAS MENSCHEN in die Irre