New measure of road count on the maps

We have been creating awareness and inviting local guides all over here on connect to join 3Thousand-roads-add-campaign-2023-TRAC. The invitation is still open,we have 4 more months to go so you still have time. No rush and no force,it’s all voluntary activities. There are loads of benefits available to local guides and the world at large. Mind you not tangible personal benefits;

  1. Interactions with other local guides as a community member
  2. Increased points
  3. Increased contributions
  4. Levelling up
  5. Learning new skills
  6. Improving the maps etc

My personal discovery today !

I noticed in the approval Email that about 10 roads I added were merged into one as seen in the screenshot above. I chatted with other local guides over this and came to a conclusion.

As the host of this TRAC event this is my conclusions,the roads are being merged into one by the AI. After confirming from other local guides who are very professional and expensive on adding roads to Google maps. I realise that the road count is done in a different way now. I wonder if it is OK to call it proximity rule of counting. The roads drawn in a particular geographical region are grouped into one road which is of course 15 points. That doesn’t sound interesting for points conscious local guides. It’s not too great for is all either. I’ll like to know;

  • Has any other local guides noticed this as well? Please let us know in the comment below
  • What’s your thought about it?

This could be another way of giving feedback to the system and the roads team on Google. Please feel free to air your views. Thank you.

Meanwhile TRAC-10-000-New-Roads-Achieved. Congratulations to us and all. Interested in joining us ???

  • Kindly fill out this Form
  • We will request for a screenshot of your profile photo showing tbe number of roads to start with in the form
  • Username on connect to add to this post and also to be able to access the Google maps profile to follow your progress as we go along
  • Geographical location
  • Meet-up and group discussions are a possibility for instructions and motivations
  • We will plan to publish top 5 highest contributors at the end of the event.

Happy guiding

Happy mapping



Interesting, @SholaIB

This has never happened to my road additions.




Hello @MortenCopenhagen

It really is interesting to hear that. You wouldn’t say its an abnormality would you? I don’t want to tag ErmesT but maybe he might see this and others too. Formally I add alot and I have so much figures to show for it right? Now it’s quite different,I just add ans it seems the AI does some regrouping of it even before approval

Local guides from at least 2 other countries have noticed this as well. I spoke with them at length before coming to this conclusion. Thank you for responding.

Happy guiding



It could easily be that a change was made and that I missed seeing it. As you know I don’t add many roads because I find the approval rate too low for the efforts.

Cheers @SholaIB



That’s a good thing @SholaIB

Generally, a single road gets approval quickly. I mostly add roads in the groups, but for me, it’s still pending.


I’m getting the same thing, @SholaIB .

When you submit an edit with multiple roads, do they show up as a single entry in the “pending” edit list, or do you have a single “pending” for each road in the entry?


Hi @SholaIB ,

I also noticed this change since I joined in on the TRAC challenge of yours. Since I do have a secondary goal of mine to get a certain amount of points I did change my strategy on adding roads a little bit. Did it change your strategy of adding roads in any way?

Best of luck to all on the TRAC challenge!

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Hello @Lukas_1

:smiley: . Yes it has changed it a little bit. I realised as well that shorter roads are merged or grouped. If the roads are of a good length I think the IA doesn’t merge it.

Well that’s one of the benefits of TRAC event. I believe we are helping “Behind the scenes” team when it comes to adding roads,approval and even rejection. We are also learning ourselves which is great.

@JustJake that’s great TRAC is helping you points wise :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . I see lots of the participants are leveling up like you. Advise others on your board to join us so. Thank you for your participation always man.

Happy guiding Cheers



Sorry for a second reply ! I haven’t noticed that detail maybe we will study that out as well and see.

The approval Email is what made me notice this change. Feel free to share any new changes and discoveries with us please.

Happy guiding


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Hi @SholaIB

Just to make sure I understand correctly: the edits were submitted separately, and you received several separate “thank you” email, but on the approval all the roads were grouped together?

Nope, I never had this kind of experience, even if frequently I edit several roads on the same area. However I am very careful in avoiding different edits to overlap each other.

The theory, @JustJake says that you receive 15 points for each road added. However, to understand that the roads are different the AI need to see roads with different names. Personally I don’t add names to the road (even when I know them) because frequently in the past my edits were rejected due to the AI not able to verify the name.

Without that information, a submission with multiple road will give you 15 Points.

Time ago I suggested a different way to give points, based on Number of Roads + Length of the road, to recognize in a better way the effort of the LGs that are adding long roads: Changing the Point Calculation System for adding Roads

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Of course you know I use the desktop Road editor. I draw the roads and submit a list or group if you like. I try to get into an area on the maps,work around and submit the roads. Just to avoid what you said about different edits overlapping.

The result or approval is what I showed above in the cover photo. That’s not for me only. 2 other local guides shared a screenshot of theirs as well.

The old approval from April keeps coming still and its in that format. 2 or more roads in an Email together.I have a backlog of pending edits. I’m not all about the points but if there is any other way of acknowledgement it will be nice. Thank you for responding.

Happy guiding


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Not sure about what you mean, @SholaIB

Are you submitting edits of separate segments of roads (not connected to each other) on a single submission?


Are you sending separate submissions and when approved the road are confirmed all in a single message?

This explanation is getting more complicated on every reply @ErmesT :rofl:

I mean that I draw roads differently one after the other. Although the submission is in a group but they were drawn one after the other.

When the email approval comes it then comes in a group like the cover photo.

Those roads were drawn differently piece by piece one after another but submitted together.That’s a screenshot of the approval email I often get

Another screenshot to illustrate it.

Ok, @SholaIB

So let say for a minute that you submitted something like this

And when the roads are approved, you receive an email with the three road together, right?

This is quite common, and I was used to contribute in this way till the opening of the program to everyone.

Here below some screenshots from Jan 2022

However, when the moderation was transferred to an AI I stopped to contribute in this efficient way because a single rejected part was causing the rejection of the whole submission. At the beginning of the program I was adding small villages with a a single submission (I don’t care about points), but when the rejection rate increased I had to change my mind, to avoid the risk to lose the whole contributions (that sometimes means a long work)


Exactly @ErmesT

I have just noticed that now, I am trying the long way which isn’t easy. Thanks for your understanding.

Well I will not bother much about it. I should hit 4k maybe by the end of the month. Just interesting learning about roads. Plan to write a post for the new target soon.

Happy guiding
