New improved Maps Contribution Edits details

I’m loving the new and improved Maps Contribution Edits details which I only just noticed on desktop. Here are a couple of example screenshots.


Having better information about each Edit is a good thing so I do love this new presentation format however, each Edit now takes much more realestate, especially vertically. Because of this, when you’ve made hundreds of Edits, it takes much more time and effort to scroll through them. To overcome this, as I’ve shown in the mockup below, it would be great to have:

  1. A dropdown menu against the Edit button with Filters that would allow us to list either
    Not accepted
  2. A summary display of each Edit to start with including perhaps just the name of the POI and the address, and a Dropdown against each Edit should we want to see more details for that Edit!

Perhaps this latest incarnation of the contribution Edits is only the start of even better things to come in terms of the information provided with our Edits. Let’s hope so!

What do you think? Can it be improved? What other information do you think should be added?

MISSING EDITS UPDATE: Please note that due to a current problem, you may not be able to see this new feature in fact, your Edits screen may be blank with the message “Only showing edits suggested after May 2016”.

I have escalated this problem and I’m pleased to report that it is now being investigated by the relevant Google Maps team. Thanks for you patience and understanding.


News to me also. Thanks, @AdamGT .



PS All caps are not allowed in the name field :wink:


Good news I hope @MortenCopenhagen

Yes I’m fully aware that all caps not allowed in name field. I opted to change the name first as that’s how they show it on all printed material and then attempt the all caps issue!

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I was waiting for this change, @AdamGT , after it appeared on Android a few days ago.

However I have a mixed feeling. I like that now we can see the date of submission (very helpful) but on the meantime I would like to have the date of approval too.

Also the change of the description in “Accepted” and “Not Accepted”, even if perfectly understandable, is making my activity more difficult.

As an intensive “Road editor” I scan my contributions daily to find the ones approved two days before. The reason is that the approved road are editable after 48 hours from the approval, so I need to find them to append more roads, especially when I am editing a large area. Till yesterday this was quite easy to do by searching for the approval date, or using the “approved” keyword, and now both options are no longer usable. Searching for “Accepted” the search engine find both “Accepted” and “Not accepted”, and this make my activity painful, or at least more time consuming


Hi @AdamGT

The new layout with a few more details is now also available on my end using my desktop.

Changing Hotel names is a huge challenge. Pretty much impossible. Your approved edit to has already been reversed/neutralized. With 1745 reviews, I guess Google Maps decided to allow such violations. Many hotels violate the naming guidelines by adding location information, but some also get away with adding chain names even though such additions are not used consistently. Most of this can easily be checked by studying the photos uploaded to Google Maps.

In my experience, making changes to a business name in two steps will decrease our chances of approval.

All the best



Funnily I didn’t see it on Android @ErmesT but I hope the change doesn’t take the amount of vertical realestate as I’ve described in my post which is a problem and would be an even bigger problem on handheld mobile devices such as smartphones. Is that an Android screenshot? If not can you add an Android screenshot here please?

I agree with you about the word Accepted however, if Google retained Approved and Not approved wouldn’t it still have the search problem that you mention?

The new layout with a few more details is now also available on my end using my desktop.

Good to hear @MortenCopenhagen . It must be rolling out globally as we speak!

Changing Hotel names is a huge challenge. Pretty much impossible. Your approved edit to has already been reversed/neutralized. With 1745 reviews, I guess Google Maps decided to allow such violations. Many hotels violate the naming guidelines by adding location information, but some also get away with adding chain names even though such additions are not used consistently. Most of this can easily be checked by studying the photos uploaded to Google Maps.

Changing business names that violate policy has for a long time be a huge challenge and I as well as many others have written about this for years. It was one of the first things I raised on joining Connect. Google should not allow such violations. In my opinion, if they wish to do so then they should change the policy. Policies are policies and consistency in their application is a must. So I say change the policy. If my “accepted” edit has been reversed, then it will be interesting to see if that reversal is also shown on my Edits contribution list!

In my experience, making changes to a business name in two steps will decrease our chances of approval.

I don’t share that experience.


Olá, @AdamGT

"A dropdown menu against the Edit button with Filters that would allow us to list either

  1. Accepted
    Not accepted

Totalmente de acordo. Precisamos de filtros. Se o usuário é um usuário ativo, é um problema encontrar edições em uma lista gigante onde você tem a única opção de “rolar” para baixo ou para cima. Não é nada funcional.

Vou mais além:

Precisamos de filtros para edições, separar por aprovadas, não aceitas e pendentes. Mas também o tipo de edição. Edição de uma estrada, edição de um POI.

Precisamos de filtros nas avaliações, separar por publicadas e ocultas;

Precisamos de filtros nas fotos, separar por publicadas, ocultas e por período de datas.

Filtros, filtros e filtros.


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for your comment @gmapas .

I’m pleased that you agree about the need for filters. We’ve been crying out for filters for many years see for example More Filters on “Your Contributions” and [Simple ways to improve working with our Maps Contributions Edits](http://%20 Simple ways to improve working with our Maps Contributions Edits so as I mentioned in my post, my hope is that this new change by Google to the Edit list in our Maps Contribution area is just the start of great things to come. Let us hope so.

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@AdamGT i like it this new update in GM.

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I’m pleased that you also like this update @Khanabadosh1986 , it’s certainly a step in the right direction. What do you think about the suggested modifications and filters as in my mockup?

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Olá, @MortenCopenhagen and @AdamGT

“Changing Hotel names is a huge challenge. Pretty much impossible.”

Hotéis, rede de restaurantes, redes de lojas, etc. Virou um “inferno” de violações, e o Google, nesse momento está perdendo essa guerra.

No Canadá há uma grande rede de restaurantes que praticava violações no nome. Enviei um e-mail para eles, como um usuário com tempo ocioso indicando esse problema nas listagens. Eles imediatamente se ajustaram e ainda recebi um agradecimento. A rede tinha mais de cem fichas em violação.

Em outro caso uma rede de academias com fichas no Canadá e nos EUA me respondeu afirmando que o endereço nos nomes era uma política de marketing interno deles e não viam problemas. Ok. Fiz um planilha com todas as fichas que encontrei no mapa e enviei por DM no Twitter

Não recebi nenhum comunicado, mas algum tempo depois fichas da empresa sumiram do mapa. Quando voltaram estavam em acordo com a política de nomes. E assim, dessa forma, ajustei vários nomes de “empresas de rede”, hotéis, lanchonetes, restaurantes, etc. Não dá pontos, mas dá satisfação. :slightly_smiling_face:

Editar um a um, além de demorado, é inglório ao ver a edição aplicado e logo depois revertido pelo proprietário várias e várias vezes. Isso, quando o Google não bloqueia por um tempo a edição do nome achando que se trata de um ataque a empresa. Aém Além do risco de ter sua conta suspensa por edição repetitiva.

A política de nomes é igual em todos os produtos Geo do Google, mas a revisão das edições dos produtos não é efetuado pelos mesmos times. E a revisão também é efetuado por ferramentas diferentes.

Boa parte desse problema com hotéis, rede de restaurantes, rede de lojas, rede de academias etc , a raíz está no processo de “reivindicação em massa” de fichas de empresas.

Anteriormente quando uma rede de lojas, hotéis, restaurantes, etc enviava seu “*pacote” para revisão, um humano fazia essa verificação, e qualquer dado em desacordo com as políticas, o pacote era rejeitado. O “*pacote” era devolvido ao editor com o aviso de qual/quais informações ele deveria ajustar antes de enviar o “*pacote” novamente. Com a substituição de humanos por IA nessa revisão, o problema se agravou muito, pois a IA não consegue enxergar como violação quando uma “Rede” envia um pacote dessa forma:

Campo Nome:

Restaurante Exemplo Rua do Brasil

Restaurante Exemplo Rua da Dinamarca

Restaurante Exemplo Rua da Itália


Restaurante Exemplo Filial Brasília

Restaurante Exemplo Filial Copenhagen

Restaurante Exemplo Filial Roma

Sendo que o correto deveria ser:

Restaurante Exemplo

Restaurante Exemplo

Restaurante Exemplo

Um olhar humano treinado na planilha rejeitava um pacote enviado com esse tipo de violação no ato, a IA, infelizmente tem aprovado. **O Google está ciente disso e está tentando resolver, pois esses dados no nome são desonesto e desleal com outros negócios.


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

*Pacote se refere a uma planilha que uma empresa envia para o Google com no mínimo 11 fichas de locais até o limite de 5 mil. (esse limite já foi de 15 mil). Imagine 5 mil fichas enviadas de uma única vez para o Google Mapas com violações. :scream:

** Fonte: New ways we tackle fake contributions on Google Maps and A look at how we tackle fake and fraudulent contributed content:


The previous wording were Approved - Pending - Not Applied, @AdamGT , so it was easy for me to filter only the approved edits only

In the last two days I had 150+ Approved roads, plus around 25 Not Approved. It means that, as I cannot Filter for Approval date anymore, I will have to scroll down with the arrow a huge amount of edits to find what I am looking for, and to repeat it for each edit

On Android the list is exactly the same


Olá, @ErmesT

“It means that, as I cannot Filter for Approval date anymore, I will have to scroll down with the arrow a huge amount of edits to find what I am looking for, and to repeat it for each edit”

Tenho o mesmo problema. Esse “sistema” de “rolar edições para baixo”, “rolar edições para cima” é horrível. Sempre foi horrível. Não é nada amigável ou produtivo. Só o fato de todas as edições estarem “misturadas” é péssimo!


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @ErmesT

Could your sorting issue be fix by using another language in Maps?



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I can reduce the issue, @MortenCopenhagen , by filtering in French.

Italian, Spanish, Deutsch, or even Danish and Portuguese doesn’t work.

But the most efficient method is filtering by approval date, and this is definitely gone, I agree with @gmapas about that.

Adding roads efficiently require doing it with method, nor adding roads randomly, and the possibility to find easily the roads approved two days before is extremely helpful to save time and avoid mistakes

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Wow nice share @AdamGT

I didn’t even know this was a thing until you shared. :slightly_smiling_face: I just checked on Desktop, and I love it!

Yes, I upvote your idea of being able to filter by the status. That would be super helpful. :couple_with_heart_woman_man:


Indeed @AZ_2021 Google’s latest update to the Maps contributions Edit is a fantastic step in the right direction and hopefully we will see further enhancements to this that will help us better manage our edits and filtering is certainly the way to go.

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Indeed @gmapas the practice of business name violations has and continues to be very challenging but very interesting how you wrote to the chain of Canadian restaurants and got them to fix the issue that you highlighted. Congratulations! I’ve also noted the other issues that you have raised like “the risk of having your account suspended for repetitive editing”. I am sure this will continue to be a topic of some discussion.

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Oh yes of course you are right @ErmesT the wording was indeed Approved Pending Not Applied, I must stop trying to respond to so many messages so late at night.

Scrolling down these long lists has always been a pain and I and many others have written about this many times before. I recall having some discussion about this with former Google Contributor Giuseppe (@giu_DIB).

Thank you for adding the Android screenshot of this Google Edits update…

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