[NEW] Google Travel Search

Firstly, thanks to @JulienH for sharing this bit of information with a bunch of Local Guides! And now, I’m just sharing it with all of you too! It looks like Google has created a new landing page for all things travel related. So you can search for flights, hotels, things to do, holiday packages etc. and plan out your trips!

From what I can gather so far, it’s just aggregating data from partner websites. You will still need to eventually make your booking directly with the business/service provider. All this does is to present all the information in a single place. However, I did find that clicking on some options would just take you to a search results page which really breaks the experience for me!

Just a few screenshots to show you what’s possible:

It’s still early days and your results may vary depending on what you’re searching for or what’s available in your country! Do give it a go, have a play with it and as it’s new, feel free to hit the Send Feedback button at the bottom of the main page to let Google know what you think of it!


Thanks for letting us know about it @AdrianLunsong , and @JulienH !

I just played around a bit with it, it definitely helps you make sure you aren’t missing anything great to do wherever you’re going. That is my main fear when planning my trips, so this is great and will make everything much easier :slight_smile:

Edit: I selected the wrong Julien, sorry!


Thanks for the shoutout @AdrianLunsong

I like that Google is doing more in this space. I think the Google Trips app was really well designed for what it was supposed to do, and web flight price checker was very good. It is time to combine it into a more cohesive branding and product to better integrate it, and sync it across both web and mobile.

Hopefully give us better deals too!

I always love how it picks up my travel bookings in my emails and presents it beautifully and conveniently, and also I can just ask Google Assistant when my next flight is.

If you guys watched Google I/O 2019, you’ll see Sundar Pichai mentioned a new Duplex web feature which can make travel bookings for you!!! Like automated car bookings and more. That is so wonderful and definitely will tie into this travel product.


Thanks for the heads up @AdrianLunsong and @JulienH

Yes when I tried several searches I too simply ended up on SERPs but I guess this will improve in time. I’ve sent some feedback already as I think it could possibly be a good idea to include Maps Lists. I’m also tagging @sonnyNg as I know he has an interest in both travel and Maps Lists.

I note also that there are many photos showing up in the wrong places. Take a look at the Titanic Memorial and you’ll see many photos from, for example, the Titanic Experience in Cobh and also the Lusitania Memorial in Cobh, which have nothing to do with the Titanic Memorial !!!



It is great news!

Thank you so much @AdrianLunsong for sharing this perfect news among us.

It works in my country!!!Great!

I like Google Travel Search.

This new page id perfect.It is very easy and very informative!

I am very glad that there is such new page on Google.

I like to travel very much and it is very useful for me.

Thanks @AdrianLunsong

I add this page on my main screen.

Best wishes ,



@AdrianLunsong Google travel is a very good update or creation of Google. It is completely gives info about how to reach point a to point be that is the fantastic feature so far. Thank you google for adding this.


@Jesi thanks for fixing it but don’t worry, it’s just this hard to tag system.


Merci pour l’info @AdrianLunsong

J’utilise beaucoup Google trips pour mes déplacements car je trouve cette app vraiment utile.

Les nouveautés ont l’air d’être excellentes!

Je prends l’avion pour l’Australie le mois prochain, donc je ne manquerai de l’utiliser et de faire mon feedback si besoin.

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Hi @AdrianLunsong this addition in google is really useful before planning a trip.

I gave it as a suggestion in my Idea exchange, that when we search for a place we should also get the info about important places near the search place.

This present page is giving that information.

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