New face of Jakarta

Jakarta, indonesia nowadays.

We have a MRT, the subway train accomodate people mobilize from lebak bulus to bunderan HI.
Its in the heart of DKI Jakarta,

There are 12 stops bunderan HI, dukuh atas, setiabudi, bendungan hilir, istora, senayan, asean, blok m, blok a, haji nawi, cipete raya, fatmawati and lebak bulus.

Its a big movement and development of the city of jakarta… as you can see, now every tourists locally or worldwide has great access (especially access to the mall at the heart of jakarta).

And when you arrived at Bunderan HI, its located at the centre of Jakarta and also the end of the final stops of mrt mrt jakarta.

Take a pictures either selfie or wefie at night would be great.

Enjoy jakarta…

And lets set up a meetup, i’ll guide you guys when visit jakarta…

Theres a lot of things to do fun…



Whooah . Thankyou Matt for the info.