Every time Google updates some apps something doesn’t work. In Google Maps Your contribution->Photos images don’t have the counter almost always if you scroll down. That wasn’t the case in the previous version.
But the error from the previous version is still there. When you click the place to see the pictures of it and you return back to Photos you get all pictures doubled and you do it again they are quadrupled and so on.
Yes lately it is very common to see the views count disappearing so it must be an issue introduced indeed with one of the latest update (I can see that as well quite often) and you are also right about the duplicating of the photos in the list when you open a POI and going back to the contributions list, this last one is a very old issue unfortunately still there.
I suggest you to send the feedback directly to the Maps team, the more feedback they receive and the more they will collect diagnostic information to find and solve the issues.
To do that you can replicate the issue and use the “Send feedback” link in the bottom right footer bar, then clicking “Send Maps feedback” in the next menu. The process will also collect a screenshot where you can highlight the issue and redact anything you want to hide from the screenshot.
You may want to revise the assumption that individual view counts are not vivible on Desktop. Take a look at this screen shot from my desktop. I took this screen shot to document the problem discussed in this thread.