Vehicles powered by electricity are being sold in increasing amounts - and by an increasing number of businesses selling just those. It makes perfect sense then, of course, for the Google Maps team to add some dedicated categories for such businesses. Which is what they have done now, by adding a more general one (vehicles in general) and 2 more specific ones (scooters and motorcycles):
Electric motor scooter dealer
Electric motor vehicle dealer
Electric motorcycle dealer
Something we have seen several times in the past, is also the case now: categories for specific brands of cars or specific regional restaurants and stores:
Tata Motors dealer
Azerbaijani restaurant
Filipino grocery store
Completely new, however, are 2 categories referring to housing for a specific profession - I wonder if more of those will be added in the future? What dou you think: do these make sense and could they be used in your country? The 2 added now are:
Police officers’ housing
Teachers’ housing
Healthcare, then, is typically also a source of new categories. Two new categories from this domain:
Pedorthist (makes orthopedic shoes)
Kinesiotherapist (weirdly enough this one is not translated into any of the other languages I checked)
And then there is “the rest”:
Showroom - I’m not sure where this could be appropriately used; do you know any POIs which are a showroom only? There’s plenty of businesses that have a showroom as part of the businesses, but are there business locations which are a showroom only?
Personal chef service
Crypto ATM - I had no idea this was a thing already; apparently these are machines where you don’t extract cash, but rather insert cash to purchase e.g. Bitcoin
Garden machinery supplier - just in time for me with spring about to start where I live… I have quite a bit of gardeing to do!