New boy in town - ‍LevelUp

How important is training- mass media, journalism?
Training is like learning something new. Many of us know the conventional rules; we agree and don’t agree. An activity, on the other hand, revives it.

Some of my experiences and learnings from the News Presentation Techniques Course at the National Media Institute:

When we talk about news and journalism, we come to talk about the 71st anniversary of the Bengali nation’s liberation spirit, which was a widely discussed event in the world media. Even at that time of inaccessible news flow, the news of Bangladesh’s liberation war quickly spread across the country’s borders to the international arena. The liberation war was fought to free a nation from cruel and brutal rulers. The world’s people learned about this war through the media and journalists.

The National Institute of Mass Media has been making an unprecedented contribution to mass communication and journalism in Bangladesh. When my course was - ‘News Presentation Techniques Training’ on 16 May 2022 at 9 am, punctually present in the training classroom of NIMC, the course director Ms. Sumna Parveen sir, appeared at this moment, Who is in charge of TV show training.

Novel presentation at the beginning of the class, what a great idea, we trainees introduce each other in the introduction phase, a detailed process of getting to know each other momentarily. After this class, our training is mainly from 16 May to 09 June 2022 (four weeks duration), where a module is designed considering news presentation rotation. What is the news? Its sources, news agencies, domestic and foreign media, and policies have given importance to standard or Mana Bengali pronunciation and practical issues.

Training is not only in formalities but also in the proper functioning of a person’s non-technical skills, including good public speaking or networking. Exercise is one of the platforms or mediums to develop oneself in various subjects, including communication skills, correct pronunciation, manners, team spirit, adapting oneself to any situation, writing skills, ability to learn quickly, thinking skills, and networking.

News? News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event. Stanley Walker said news means WWW Women, wampum (money), and wrongdoing. NEWS is derived from the four directions below: North, East, West, and South. Different types of news can be written about, and what makes news elements varies. Some terms related to TV news include Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar.

Ashraful Alam, Niranjan Adhikari, Dr. Bhaskar Bandopadhyay, Zahid Ripon, Soumitra Shekhar, Dr. Kaveri Gayen, Dewan Saidul Hasan, Rehana Parveen, SM Zahid, Maruf Nawaz, Munjurul Ahsan Bulbul, Saldeen, Hemayet Akbar Tipu, Nazrul Islam, Nilufar Ahmed Karim, Masood Manowar, Munshi Md. Fariduzzaman Sir and other prominent personalities connected with various media.

Outside our training classroom, there were memorable moments expressed in various intentions to watch in autobiography, visit Bangladesh Betar, and Bangladesh Television. Where basically, I-we have seen reading the news on television since the birth of intellectuals, and that day saw, in reality, such a scene with the travel story tied in the frame. The visit was full of tea and chats with a warm welcome and presentations to all of us present.

Bangladesh Betar’s Shariful Quader, Channel I’s Apu Mahfuz, and Bangladesh Television and Betar’s newsreader Muna Chowdhury sir enlightened us on the overall subject of the training.

The final day also had tears in everyone’s mind, 09 June 2022, 3 pm, NIMC 2nd floor, 4th row from the beginning-left side right edge 1st side I am Shahinur Islam, left side Mohsin Reza Rupam Bhai, we start side by side and last day also same position. . Our Morden Broadcast Technology course concludes with this batch.

When the clock strikes 5 o’clock, it is the finale, followed by the tea cycle. Out of the top 10 selected out of 100, I was included in the top 10 by getting 103, completing my News Presentation Techniques course at the National Media Institute.

Established as National Broadcasting Academy in 1980, National Broadcasting Academy was renamed as National Media Institute in 1984 during the regime of General Hussain Muhammad Ershad. Its headquarters are at 125/A, Darus Salam, A. W Chowdhury Road, Dhaka.

The writer is thanking the director of the National Institute of Mass Media for allowing them to participate in training. The director is described as being very humble and always smiling. The News Presentation Techniques course is beautifully presented by Curriculum Director Ms. Sumna Parveen Sir, who is on duty as a TV program instructor. This lesson has always been soaked with love and affection by the assistant director and TV show trainer, Tanjim Tamanna. NIMC is a school for people who want to have a new life. The officials at the school and the classmates have helped each other to reach their goals.

This quote is from a journalist who believes sharing information can help make the world better. We need to know if something terrible is happening in the world.

Read my previous episodes I wrote on Connect Forum:

Episode 1: New Boy in Town - The Beginning
Episode 2: New Boy in Town - Do as Planned
Episode 3: New Boy in Town - Work to Survive


There’s nothing I love more than learning new things! Every day I feel like I learn something new, which is always exciting. Whether it’s a new fact about the world, a new skill, or a new way of thinking, I’m always happy to add new information to my brain. It’s one of my favorite things to do, and I think that’s one of the best things about life.

I think journalism is a great way to learn about the world around us. It’s a way to get information and learn new things. Thanks, boy; I love your stories about how you are coping with the rapid changes.


Yes dear @NahidHossain the joy of learning new things is different, one can enrich oneself constantly, thanks a lot for your valuable feedback