New: bonus points for detailed reviews

Caption: A visualisation of the character counter in action, and the outcoming of submitting a detailed review.

Here’s an example of a character counter, using Twitter’s current implementation that was so hotly contested. It can either use a radial circle that will continue to fill up when a review progresses to 200 characters and therefore ending with a green tick, or just a regular number (e.g. 200/5000) like it is on Google Translate.

Of course I would like these reviews and the premise of potential bonus points to be elusive enough that not everyone will actively seek it. A gradually filling circle would do justice, as it’s both confusing and the general population wouldn’t know what to do.

Note that language and characters (such as Japanese, Arabic, etc) must apply their own special rules, so 200 characters may probably have to do with the way it’s translated. But doesn’t that always change and subject to improvements?

@HelloJess Good News All local Guides :kissing_smiling_eyes::kissing_smiling_eyes::kissing_smiling_eyes:

That’s a great new @HelloJess . Ya @LucioV you are quick in calculating the points :slight_smile:

@MadanKPradhan I’ve already modified my LG point sheet :slight_smile:

Ok @LucioV you are maintaining LG Point Sheet. Wow that’s a good idea to monitor your points.

Amazing! I got 52 qualified reviews.


Thanks @HelloJess for sharing new bonus points system. Yes, I am excited about bonus points for detailed reviews!

Thanks Again … :slight_smile:

Yeah bro @Haruki , am very happy with bonuses everyone love bonus :wink:

Thank you @HelloJess :-))))

That is real awesome @HelloJess ! I betting it probably won’t backtrack will it? Because I have several reviews that are 200+ characters.

This is VERY exciting - from the master reviewer badge, I can see many of my reviews were over 200+ characters so glad I was detailed for many :slight_smile:

i don’t understand local guides connect, what is point anyone help me ,how to use points

I saw this new bonus point feature two days ago by my 200 characters over review

تم تجربتها وانها تعمل وهي اضافه جيده جدااااا … تعطي تقدير للمرشد وفي نفس الوقت تفيد القارئ بمعلومات اكثر عن المكان … اتمني التوفيق ومزيد من الاضافات المميزه … تقبلوا تحياتي

yay this is a great news 1

merci pour l’info @HelloJess cest une bonne nouvelle.

@HelloJess This is such great news… I have always tried to pour my experience in the reviews and now I feel extra rewarded! :slight_smile:

hello level 7! hehe :slight_smile:

C’est une très bonne nouvelle :grinning: @HelloJess . C’est certain que les commentaires de 3 ou 4 mots ne sont du tout intéressants. Là au moins il y aura un avis plus pertinents. Et ce qui ne gâche rien nous, guides locaux nous aurons des points en plus.

Great news @HelloJess ! Will we see this screen also on desktop besides mobile? For me, I write all my reviews on my PC since I have always been an “detailed reviewer.”

Will we get the +5 points for each previous 200+ characters review too?



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I like this update. I hope the quality of the reviews will be higher thanks to this.

I would also support a kind a more sophisticated review point system, like the one written recently by @Briggs .