New Badge

Finally, after 1.5 years, this badge is also colored. However, after this badge is lit, until now there has been no increase in score. Although I have often suggested editing in many locations. Can anyone here help me complete the challenge on this badge?


Hai @EfiKurniyawati .

Congratulation for your new badge.

You should proud of it.

You just need a little bit Edit contributions.

You just need 52 approved edit to become Master Fact Finder.

My suggestion is grab your sneakers, and your smartphone set up your Google Maps walks around your house ror about one kilometer, go around your culinary, jajanan pasar, fotocopu kiosk, book store , computer rental, gudeg restaurant.

Check your time line, ensure that you got green checked mark.

Check the name, category or address, edit it if you got more accurate information.

Just between us.

Check the English name of the place, most of it are still empty.

Share with us here your Master Fact Finder here.

Need couple of days for Google Maps to update your contributions.

Keep on contributing on Google Maps and here on Local Guides Connect.

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@BudiFXW thanks fot your information

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