Hello Local Guides !
We are having a meet up on coming August 6, 2016 in Patan, Nepal. If anyone of you are around Nepal then please joing us. Feel free to contact me
Event URL: https://plus.google.com/events/cis2giivnilgkhtgf26lnalf9gc
Hello Local Guides !
We are having a meet up on coming August 6, 2016 in Patan, Nepal. If anyone of you are around Nepal then please joing us. Feel free to contact me
Event URL: https://plus.google.com/events/cis2giivnilgkhtgf26lnalf9gc
I’d love to but only two would be so weird, don’t you agree
Hi @NirajBhusal
As this is a publicly-accessible forum so we have removed your contact information from the post. If Local Guides wish to contact you, they can do so by sending you a private message.
Yes, why not, you would love to visit .
Hello YanniY,
Thank You for making my profile more secure, hope to get contacted by Google Local Guides.