Nelson Mandela Capture Site - Tourist Attraction

The Nelson Mandela Capture Site - Howick, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa

  • The capture of the Great Black Pimpernel, Nelson Mandela created shockwaves around the world because he was a “Houdini” at escaping from the Apartheid police. Never short of humour even when trying to save the destiny of a nation ,he always had a sense of humour when the special branch confronted him before his capture. His capture site is the beginning of a life in servitude for 27 years. It is only resilience,faith in God and the hope of freedom that kept him strong. No where in the world has two great souls existed on the same soil and stepped almost on the same footsteps like here in Pietermaritzburg South Africa.South Africa was touched by the eternal spirits of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Gandhi took the humiliation of being thrown off the train from the first class white compartment as the seed that would bear the fruit of of freedom and justice in South Africa and India.Mandela took the affliction of 27 years of prison to build a great and prosperous nation.
  • We too in our daily lives are confronted by affliction ,humiliation and challenges .We too can take adversity and create a better destiny. Touching the soil of these two great men may just inspire you.