Dear Local Guide Members & Team! We are facing problems here. When we take photos, we need to prove that we are a local guide. What is a local guide? They are asking us questions and we are answering them but they don’t believe us. What they say is that thieves will come and so we don’t place them…Sir, as a member of the local guide, we should dare them to develop that place and put it on the map. Sir, we should give them courage, please give us something like an I’d card, then we will show them the proof and say that we are true local guide members, trust us. Give that I’d card to those who are above level 5! Sir, we know that we are not employees of Google, but here we have to give courage to them that this work should be done. Sir, if it is difficult to give I’d card, we can print it in the shop in our area and take the I’d card, but give us permission to do this, we will take the I’d card, but there is a problem, the design of the I’d card must have been made by local guide team with an official signature. All should have same I’d card so please sir design one and publish it we will print and take care of I’d card. I am requesting sir please accept my request we know we not an employee of the Google but we needed it it’s to hard to facing this problem’s.
Hi @Rakshi2
This has been proposed numerous times to no avail. One example can be seen here.
Feel free to use your profile page in the Google Maps as a form of ID. Show your contributions and the quality.
Should shop and shopping centers owners still want you not to take pictures, then don’t.
Yes sir ok but it’s not possible to take print out by our nearest area i can make an edit by own as local guide member by adding My name and some more details? I will only take an I’d card for that give me permission
Oi, @Rakshi2
Entendo sua situação, mas também entendo a situação do comerciante que por motivos de segurança não quer ser fotografado ou ter detalhes no mapa. Sou da política que devemos procurar um equilíbrio.
Pessoalmente, eu não vejo a necessidade de uma ID, ser LG é voluntariado.
Uma IDpois criaria um vínculo com o Google que ele com certeza não quer (ou já teria feito) e há implicações jurídicas a depender do país. Por exemplo, essa ID, pelas leis do Brasil pode configurar uma “relação de trabalho”. Então, no Brasil, o Google nunca fornecerá algo do tipo. Aí teríamos LG com ID e LG sem ID.
A ideia de uma ID é intrigante, mas o Google é uma empresa global com operações regidas por regras locais.
O programa funciona bem para o Google do jeito que está, então eles não irão “procurar problemas” emitindo ID e tutelando pessoas pelo mundo. Sinceramente, acho isso até perigoso. Eu se fosse um dirigente, não faria isso.
Não sei se no seu país funcionária, mas em pequenas cidades do Canadá e do Brasil, onde havia pouca presença no mapa sempre usei o diálogo, a conversa, o convencimento e as vantagens de divulgar uma empresa no Mapa, mas sempre respeitando a decisão individual ao receber um não. Na época não havia perfil no Google, pois o Mapa Maker não tinha um programa robusto igual é o LG.
Aliás, eu nunca fotografo um local sem pedir uma autorização. Seja a um garçom, seja a um vendedor, seja a uma atendente, seja para uma faxineira etc. Sempre tenho por hábito perguntar “posso tirar uma foto”?
Yes…! It’s ok but i am saying I can’t need a I’d card from the Google but i Will only make it at Nearest shop to me with my own cash but i need permission for that to make i am asking
Oi, @Rakshi2
Entendi. Mas acho que nenhum funcionário do Google que auxilia neste fórum dará a você essa autorização ou qualquer outra semelhante.
Then what can I do now i am saying I can’t need I’d from the Google i will only take the I’d card with my own money
Oi, @Rakshi2
Atualmente o Programa Local Guide não oferece essa ferramenta, ou seja, não oferece uma ID, não há uma ID, não faz parte do Programa.
Por ser algo que não faz parte do Programa, por ser algo que não está coberto na relação de contribuinte do Programa, acredito que nenhum funcionário do Google que há nesse fórum dará a você autorização para fazer algo que não faz parte do Programa.
Mas essa é minha opinião pessoal. Aguarde a intervenção de um Moderador para uma resposta mais consistente.
Every printed ID card can be fake, @Rakshi2 , while the profile in the Official App is the only way to demonstrate that you really are a Local Guide.
However, I clearly understand the potential issue for you in showing your profile: your contributions will be visible, and I don’t think A business will be happy to have a lot of redundant and very similar photo, or a review that you wrote to your own business, and several reviews that only appear to be promotional content, more than a way to share your experience.
Also, the golden rule of being a Local Guide is that if the business says no, it means no. We do not contribute against the wishes of the company.
My tip for you is to start to take Good photos and to delete what you have uploaded till now, including what has been uploaded with the old trick of extracting video frames and upload them as a series of useless photos. Show a profile that is showing how much value you can give to the business, and they will be happy to have your contributions. But please clean the profile quickly, because actually you are at une step to become a former Local guide.
Good luck
@ErmesT Ok now i am removing all the photos and videos but i am not deleting the photos of 100,000+ views? If I delete the photos and videos can i lost my views & points? From now i will be a good local guide member i will take good photo & videos by taking the permission of the owner and please answer me to this question’s
- Can I lost my views & point’s if I deleted photos & videos?
- How to talk respectly with the owner what I need to say i mean if the place is not added in maps what I need to ask? If the place is added but no photo’s what I need to ask?
Please answer this question and can i get a t-shirt or a badge if it’s take time can I purchase the T-shirt in online shopping? Are this also fake t-shirt?
Hi @Rakshi2 i read all the reply on your comments.
1st thing you don’t want to delete the repeated photos alright Google team itself clean all the photos from your profile.
2nd thing no I’d no t shirt will be taken as a official local guide.
You don’t need to print any of the page to show people that you are a local guide. You can simply open the page on your mobile i suppose that easily you can do it.
Yes you can absolutely win the goodies from Google but for that you need to contribute quality photos , reviews and videos.
I really loved you profile status that you like to help people but adding the same photos to just gain points it’s the not the way of helping. You don’t need to add multiple photos of the similar places.
Happy Guiding
Hi @Pratik_89 i am not saying like that i am saying I need a t-shirt when I wear it i can get a remember i am working for people i need to do quality work & when I wear the T-shirt i can will some proudly i am working for people… I am saying that not to show people i am a local guide member i think now your understood.
You said “From now i will be a good local guide member”. Well, a good Local Guide is defined by his contributions, not by his words. A Good Local Guide receives points because provvide Good contributions, and his focus is on contributions, not on points and views.
A person who saturate Maps with a huge amount of similar photos and fake reviews cannot be considered a Local Guide. A Person who review his own business cannot be considered a Local Guide.
Of course, deleting photos and videos that are not appropriate you will lose the related amount of Points and Views. This should not be a problem, if you really want to be a “Good Local Guide”. The alternative is to lose ALL the points and to be banned from the Local Guides program, and in this moment in my opinion you are very very close to this condition.
What speaks about your Local Guide status is your profile on the official app. In there everyone can see if your contributions are good or not.
There are not official Local Guides T-shirt on sale. Local Guides official T-shirt are given only on Official Events, where only the Local Guides with high quality of contributions are invited. But the idea of buying a Fake t-shirt is interesting, will show to the world that you are a “fake Local Guide” and for sure will not help you to become a good one. Quality is not created by a T-shirt.
Good luck
@ErmesT No from now i will be a good local guide member from now i give importance to help people/society not for points. Now i understand! What I need to do to not get banned or suspend? Only the trick deleting all photos, videos & reviews only?
Hello @Rakshi2
I’ll stick in some few lines as well into this interesting topic. Like others mentioned it’s a topic that has been over mentioned and discussed on connect.
As local guides and volunteers most of us have our jobs. I am so busy that I will not want to take up another employment. Getting an ID card as a local guide will transforms it into a job(Make it official as you mentioned) I have too many official duties that I don’t want anymore. I’m happy to contribute easily leisurely.
I got into trouble once as well taking a photo of a hotel that wasn’t represented on the maps. I had good intentions but the owners misunderstood me. It went as far as the police. I got out of it without major complications thankfully for me. It was my fault at the end of the day,they wanted me to have asked for permission even though it was an exterior photo. Extra I mean the gate the entrance, front part of the building etc. I didn’t ask and they questioned me and arrested me etc.
Well it wasn’t worth getting into troubles for. Ask if possible and if you’re not allowed don’t force it. That’s the spirit of good volunteers. Your Google Maps profile on your phone,your ID as a local guide.
First of all what you need is to remove Everything that is against the rules, @Rakshi2 . Here below a basic list of what you should read ASAP:
The rules are a compendium of what a Local Guide should do regardless of the rules themselves, as a person should still be able to evaluate if what he adds is really useful or, as in your case, just a gimmick to earn more points.
This may help you to avoid to be removed (it depends how fast you are) if the only violation were about photos and reviews. I don’t know if you also added fake locations in Maps, or made fake edits. You added 100 places end made 243 edits so who knows?
I also see that you have some additional and probably fake account, that is actually using the avatar you also used here till yesterday. You reviewed your business with both accounts, while reviewing his own business is a violation that can remove the business from Maps and you from the program. Why? because there is always a person behind an account, so if “an account” did something wrong, this have to be fully attributed to the person, that means to ALL the accounts.
So I can’t say that if you will be removed or not. What I know is that, if an account is removed, you cannot join with another one. Why? Because who act will be the same person.
@ErmesT No! I can’t added any fake places or fake edits all are i made it’s all original not fake and i deleted all the photos and reviews i have losed my badges and points but it’s not a problem i can’t need to get the ban
Yes brother say absolutely right for some places we want I’d for clicking pictures but we have no any I’d to prove we r local guide so we want an idcard pls local guide community provide us a I’d card