Need Help?

My all time photo views get 50% down is there any bug… Anyone facing same issue’s Or I am only one or there is any refresh.


Hi @samirgadhave

I’m unsure what kind of help you expect.

I checked your 23 photos and close to none of then adhere to the photo guidelines. I’m sorry.

You can read about typical photo guideline violations in my post called BUT I’m a top photographer!

None of your photos are hidden, but they are very likely to become hidden should you chose not to delete those violating the guidelines.

Your photo views are currently at 1246 views. How many more did you expect?




Hi @samirgadhave

Welcome in Connect, and thank you for asking.

While the individual view of every single photos is updated instantly, the total views is updated once per day, and sometimes it can also take more time (two or three days).

So it’s is normal to see a difference and, as you uploaded all your photos on the last four days, obviously the difference can be big, compared with the total amount of views.

On desktop the number of views of your contributions is around 300, while on mobile is bigger.

In any case, as you just started to contribute, please be aware that, as mentioned also by @MortenCopenhagen , some of your contributions is not permitted (e.g. selfies) so it is very possible that the photos will be made private soon.

We contribute in Google Maps for helping others by showing (with photos) how the place are, and we don’t use Maps as a social media account or a private album.

Keeping this in mind will help you to improve your contributions, and to gain views

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@ErmesT now I had deleted some of my photos now it’s following the guidelines?

@MortenCopenhagen Now I had deleted the photos which not follows the guidelines please tell If any mistake .

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Well done, @samirgadhave

All the best
