Need help

I don’t know how to deactivate my id I am not able to find please anyone can help me to deactivate my id and any Moderator before you move post to off topic or something else please let me know the solution for removing my id. Thank you.


Hi, @user_not_found , I’m sorry to hear that you’d like to leave us. BTW, I’m not sure if you want to exit the Local Guides Program or close your Local Guides Connect. So, I’ll show you both. To close your Local Guides Account, just go to “settings” on the right corner of your screen, “advanced setting,” “personal profile,” and them “close account.” You can access it directly from here. If you’d like to leave the Local Guides Program, please click here, then scroll down until you find “exit the program.”

Best regards,



Hello @user_not_found hope you will stay with us. Can you please tell us why you want to leave?

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@AlexandreCampbell thanks for it :smile:

@bdmafuz thanks and wanted to leave because connect is not the same platform I thought it was. I think Google maps on Instagram and Facebook is much better place to stay in :smiley:

Hello @user_not_found ,

Thanks for reaching out to us! Connect is a forum and blog created for the Local Guides community where you can communicate with fellow Local Guides, trade tips and ideas, and receive information from Googlers.

As @AlexandreCampbell suggested, you can close your account and remove your personal information from this site. If you later decide to re-join the community, you can re-register.

I also wanted to inform you that I moved your post to the How-tos section and marked my answer as solution. :slightly_smiling_face:


I need a smartphone please help

I haven’t received my Google Guides special edition socks perk

how can i reorder my google socks perk

I can’t redeem it because I was in inactive at that time due to my exams so now what to do because it was expired :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Hi Guys,

I need to change my phone number on my google map of my local guide. Because i just changed my phone number so i also need to change my phone number on my google map, “Bloomfield Twp Chimney Sweep”.

So let me know how i can change number.


Help , I’m local guide and since many weeks my contributions are forbidden :no_entry: don’t know why !!!
de l’aide, depuis plusieurs mois je ne peux plus ajouter mes contributions

personne ne peut m’aider

j’ai demander assistance mais personne ne m’aide ??? Help