I have a few Google accounts and have been using one of the accounts as a local guide for years now. (which is the one I’m using to post now - lets call it the mail account) However, recently, I accidently used another google account (second account) to write reviews (while on my phone). I didn’t realized that I was using my second account. How do I EXIT out being a local guide on that particular account?
Also, I notice that my main account had lots of places that I have starred and visited to disappear. But it was somehow moved to my second account. I don’t remember doing that. Not sure if that is possible. Can anyone help?
I have shared some tips on how best to leave the Local Guides Program here. It will help you understand the consequences and select which leave-method is best for you.
Please remember that there is no way to migrate contributions from an account to another, so if you want to move some of your contributions to your local guide account you should delete them first from your other profile, to avoid duplication of contents