Hi @AmbrishVarshney Nice idea sir for worldwide maps edit walk delhi with a logo-printed t-shirt. I think there is no issue with the registered logos of Google. And Mr. Ketan, thank you much for designing a wonderful logo. Its just awesome. This t-shirt will look fine on me All the best for world wide maps edit walk. #keepmapping#keepsmiling
Congratulations on hosting your first meetup, right? And getting Delhi Tshirts made for your meetup.
Only Google Moderators can provide you feedback /approval of your tshirt design. Itâs Friday night here in the U.S. @Atsukot@TraciC@BruceDM will be back in the office Monday. Only they can give you final approval of whether you can use this design to get your tshirts made.
Personally, I like your colors and graphic, the play on colors of the India flag.
Hi @AmbrishVarshney fantastic that youâre seeking approval. The advice given by @KarenVChin is correct. I will add one thing that the stylised Map Pointer probably wonât be accepted as it is so close to the Google Map Pointer.
It has come out nice and confident that with some modifications, it shall get approval. Nice that, may be first time, someone has requested approval. Once approved, I am sure that other LGs will also use it during meet ups!!
Congrates Ketan for designing it and @AmbrishVarshney for taking initiative. Congrats!
We are very much eager to host this meet-up in Delhi . Kindly provide approval/suggestion for any change required on t-shirts. Also, kindly tell whether we can print Google stickers provided on back side on t-shirts?
I am only reinforcing both @KarenVChin (wait until Monday for a feedback from Google Moderator) and @PaulPavlinovich , about the use of the pin, that is not allowed as per program rules
I suggest the use of the âpowered by usâ logo instead