Today is the beginning of a new year, Nava-Varsha-Pratipada in Sanskrit and represents an auspicious day.
In the traditional lunar Hindu calendar, a month starts on the new moon day, and the year begins around the spring equinox.
The moon frequently receives a label as an influencer of the mind and linked with mood swings. A lunar calendar gains on that by linking celebrations to specific moon-phases.
However, that can go out of sync with the seasons. Here, to eliminate that, the method employed is to include (or sometimes delete) a month in a three-year block.
People celebrate the day by hoisting classic flags aka a тАЬGudhiтАЭ, take out colourful processions and visit the temples. Not to mention, consuming traditional sweets remains another enticement.
Alas, the usual joy is amiss today as we maintain necessary social distancing!