Nautre flowers


Hi @Sw5

Nice photos.

Where did you take this pictures.

The sunset or rather twilight picture is super cool. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey @Sw5 ,

Thanks for shating your interesting photos with us. Would you mind telling us where did you take them? As I can see that you like a lot taking photos and being in nature, here are some useful tips for you:

Here are also some advice for you to manage your photos and guidelines to upload. You might be interested to read also How to take photos for nature lovers.

P.S. In the Photography board you can learn a lot about photography and see very interesting and good quality photos, plus you can ask for advice the professional photographers.

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Thankz for appreciation . These all are taken from my home . I live in pathankot , punjab


This photo is taken from my home and it is Twilight pic nd thankz for the appreciation …

Great Photography @Sw5 . Captured Good.।।

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