Pizzaria La Notizia 53
Via Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 53, 80126 Napoli
April 30, 2017 @ 20:00 (CEST)
For the 1st Pizza Meet-up in the city of Naples, I chose with the help +DanielaP one of the most important pizzeria in Naples, and talking with the owner of the activity we organized a particular gourmet tour divided in two parts, in exclusive for the Local Guides Group.
We offered to partecipants to try a lot of different recipes of the famous “Pizza Fritta” of Enzo Coccia, one of the most important Master of Pizza here in Naples.
The first part was an appetizer, and in the second we completed the dinner. Was a great opportunity to have an exclusive tour thanks to the disposability of Enzo.
So meet other Local Guides, have this opportunity was great to have a talk about the program, the use of that and the possibility to create better reviews and photos for the map. Also is great do part of this community and create together an incredible tool as Google Maps.
Our sense of community increased and now we have new friends with whom to share this passion.
So Local Guides isn’t only an opportunity to help people but also the possibility to meet other people.
The only thing that wasn’t good is the total number of partecipants. We were seven in total, but on the meetup I counted other 10 people that I tryed to contact to confirm the partecipation but haven’t received any response, so wasn’t great to have an expected number of partecipants not true at the end.
And that’s it, thank you to Google for another opportunity ^_^. Sure we will organize other Meet-ups.
Here there are the photos of the event: