I am going to share something about INDIAN culture and tradition with you.
Today my family, in the guidance of local priests, organized a ritual called “Havan” which is in general also organized by people of different castes like Hindus, Jains, Brahmins and a lot more. This ritual is believed to boost positivism, reduce negative influence, enhance peace of mind and also purifies the air.
All the members of the family got up early today, got readied and my mom prepare a variety of food dishes for the priests and all the attendees to have post havan. We dressed up and wore special clothes. ( I wore a kurta pajama)
The priests first perform certain prayers and made us remember different gods and goddesses. When, this was over, mango woods were burnt in a small havan kund . Along with it, ghee ( clarified butter) and a mixture of around 10-12 items is poured in the kund at regular intervals.
Later, the priests gave us prasad and then proceeded for brunch. After the priests, the elders of the house had food and then we had.
All in all it was a memorable day, but at the same time, all of us were drained out of energy by the end of the ritual and hence everybody slept when all the proceedings were over.
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