Nairobi Health Love

Nairobi Health Love

Purshottam Place

Purshottam Place, A 104, Nairobi, Kenya

February 24, 2018 @ 09:00 (EAT)

Hello fellow local guides. February is the month of love. So how about we show love for health of Nairobians and edit the hospitals and pharmacies in Nairobi so it just makes it easy for people to find that information when they need it most. I am getting the info from the MoH. We will meet at Purshottam Place, 7th Floor --some ice breakers, coffee and then get to work: key in the information and call where necessary to verify it. Hope to finish by 1pm and then we will go out and have pizza somewhere fun and chill out.

RSVP here


@Dorothyooko This is great news for the Nairobi Local guides; the long awaited Feb meet-up!


Awesome. Looking forward to this one


Yes!! Pretty excited about this happening! Let’s get all the hospitals and pharmacies in Nairobi with the correct info!! For the love of Nairobians😘


@Dorothyooko Great news, most of tje hospitals info on the maps is wrong especially the timings.

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This is a great initiative @Dorothyooko thank you for putting it together for us, can’t wait! :tada::ok_hand:

This will be a great initiative, am excited about it

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The month of love celebrated in style, information for hospitals is key. Thanks @Dorothyooko a very thoughful initiative

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Awesome initiative @Dorothyooko . Just two days ago we got lost trying to reach a hospital I was referred to in Nakuru, we got there finally, I corrected the address (map marker). They sent us for scans, we got there, the times on Map were wrong! I corrected. Thankfully they got verified almost instantly.


This is an amazing project. Look forward to contributing back to the community

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Fantastic. Appreciate the meet up on a weekend so that those unavailable on weekdays can make it. Look forward to attending this one. Truly a worthy cause. Let’s do this!!!

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Fantastic. Appreciate the meet up on a weekend so that those unavailable on weekdays can make it. Look forward to attending this one. Truly a worthy cause. Let’s do this!!!


This is a great start to finally get coordinated projects and i am certain we can achieve more this way. As much as i will be away in church on the set date, i am in full support. Hope the next meeting day falls of a favorable day for me too.

Will love to see the outcome of this.


Is there a way we can contribute to map editing the maps without physically attending the meeting? I have a great interest in health services and love to see people access them easily and faster.

Thank You.