Nádherné Slovensko

Vysoké Tatry


Hello @Simply-Cool

Thank you for sharing nice photos with us. You can add some information about the place.

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Hello @Simply-Cool ,

Welcome to Connect!

Your photos look lovely, thanks for posting them! Looks freezing, what was the temperature like?

By the way, we do suggest adding more information to your posts. This way it gives fellow Local Guides a better idea of what you’re posting about. You might also want to read, What makes a good post to help you make the best of your Connect experience. I would also recommend that you check out the various Tips: Using Local Guides Connect section, as it is an excellent way to engage as part of the community.

Lastly, please feel free to introduce yourself to the community from the Introduce Yourself section.

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Prispievam obrázky nafotené v okolí rieky Hornádu a jazera ,ktoré máme na sídl.Nad Jazerom,Košice.Lokalita je vhodná na športovanie- vodné lyžovanie,bicyklovanie,fittnes v prírode,kúpanie a slnenie plávanie.

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Ahoj @Simply-Cool

Tvoje fotky sú super a som rád, že sa slováci pomaly, ale isto zapájajú do fóra. Ešte raz super.