Mysuru (Mysore) palace is the official residence of the Wadiyar dynasty, the earstwhile rulers of Karnataka. The Durbar Hall is also known as Ceremonial hall and also used for Royal Court proceedings.The ceilings are covered with stained glasses, and floral motifs. The glittering Chandeliers area enhance the beauty of Durbar Hall.
Thank you for sharing these amazing photos and details with us about the Mysuru Palace. The places looks so beautiful and one of a kind. I particularly enjoyed the second photos with the columns, as if there was a mirror.
I guess the area is easily reachable, but are there any working hours? Entrance fee?
It is a beautiful building and I love the colorful interior. Thank you for sharing your photos and adding some information to them. I am sure that Local Guides will find it interesting.
Do you happen to have photos of the ceilings with stained glass? I always appreciate their beauty no matter where I find them.
Wanted post long back, but someone else posted similar to my 2 nd picture. So delayed. During Dussera festival, in the month of October, the who palace as well as the city get illuminated.
Thank you for the provided information. I think that, by providing information about a certain place, people can make better plans when to visit it in case they are interested. Once in India, this Palace will be on my must-see list. Thank you once again.
Thank you for sharing, @aaryesdee . The palace is just breathtaking. What behaviour was the Wadiyar dynasty famous for? The architecture and interior design of a home always make me think about the characters that were walking through their corridors.
Good post with details & excellent photos, dear @aaryesdee ; if you could TAG like-minded people, they can also enjoy your posts - request you to TAG me in your posts
@aaryesdee Wow. Impressive pictures and information you share. They do not build them like this anymore. The craftsmanship and quality is something to be appreciated about buildings in history. They hold up well with age. Good job.
Infact public is not allowed to enter all areas of the palace .There are more wonders inside which is still preserved under Archeological department custody.
During Dhussera festival, the entire palace and the city get illuminated and that’s a sight on Earth one can’t forget.