Pagi ini istriku membuat kue nastar yang isinya nanas. This morning my wife made pineapple cake with pineapple contents.
this is my favorite cake which I always make.
Very beautiful and delicious cakes made your wife this morning ! Wow it looks very yummy! I want to eat with you my friend @Wisnusetiono if @BudiFXW attend then with us then it will be more enjoyable
ok , thank you @MAHBUB_HYDER . came on pak @BudiFXW
is laddus content Pineapple too @TusharSuradkar ?
Hello @Wisnusetiono ,
Thank you for sharing these photos with us and congratulations to the Chef!
Are these cookies famous all over your country? Could you share the recipe with us please?
The nastar cake looks very delicious, is it possible to be prepared with another fruit than the pineapple?
THANK YOU MBAK @Annisa1208
The recipe you shared only “appears similar” to Laddus.
The laddu is made of gram flour and may contain pineapple for flavor sometime.
~Greetings from New Delhi
@Wisnusetiono its really tasteful. Liked it very much. thanks for sharing.
Could you please also share the recipe? So that i can also try when i get the time…
Hai @Wisnusetiono , @LimTingYan , @TusharSuradkar , @BorrisS , @Annisa1208 and @MAHBUB_HYDER .
Trust me , in this kind of cake in front of me.
I can not handle my hand, my eyes and mouth to coordinate accordingly.
Unstoppable, chewing and and eat it again again till it least.
This is my favorite cake since my childhood.
Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.
you are welcome @BorrisS .
ok, its recipe :
Pineapple pineapple recipe
100 gr BOS (butter oil substitute)
300 gr Margarine
75 gr Refined sugar
3 eggs yolk
100 gr of milk powder
75 gr corn starch
500 grams of flour
1-2 eggs to spread
Pineapple jam:
300 gr clean pineapple
300 grams of white sugar
100 ml of water
5 cm cinnamon
7 cloves
How to make:
Mix BOS, margarine and refined sugar using a mixer until mixed.
Add the egg yolks then mix again until mixed.
Enter the flour, milk powder and corn starch, stir using a spatula until everything is evenly mixed and can be formed.
@BudiFXW great to know that you are enjoying… be happy and safe…
pas banget ya pak @BudiFXW
Wonderful post @Wisnusetiono
Thanks for sharing this Amazing post and recipe with us here on connect.
Best regards.
you are welcome @Austinelewex
Thank you very much for the recipe @Wisnusetiono .
I will try to do it on my own.
- @Wisnusetiono not a fan of cake but this looks nice!*
thank you @Sophia_Cambodia
you are welcome @BorrisS