My village is a place surrounded by mountains. If you stand on the roof of my house and look with a 360° view in clear weather you will see an unbroken chain of mountains and hills.
To the north there are mountains Arjuno, Anjasmoro and Welirang with respective heights of Arjuno 3,339 m, Anjasmoro 2,277 m and Welirang 3,156 m.
Shifting to the West you will find the Banyak mountains with a height of 1,306m. Unlike the other mountains, Mount Banyak can be accessed by car. We only need to hike a little from the parking lot. Here is the location for paragliding activities and visitors come from all over the world.
Slightly shifted to the south, you will see views of Mount Panderman (2,045m), Mount Butak and Mount Kawi (2,551m). Each of these places has its own charm to explore.
Looking to the east you will be met with views of the mountains of Bromo, Tengger, Semeru. Looks far and blue. Mount Semeru (3,676m) is the highest volcano on the island of Java. You can find the sacred lake Ranu Kumbolo on your way up to Semeru. Exotic place, mystical and there are some tragic stories.
The mountains I mentioned earlier have amazing views. Actually not only that, there are still many mountains and hills that I can’t possibly mention one by one. And from this city, Batu Local Guides was born, which was initiated by the couple @br14n and @Annisa1208 . Anyone want to visit my city?
Keren mbak @Moestika …semakin berkah ke depannya.
Aamiin, maksasih Mbak @Yuni83A
@Moestika wow mantap sekali.
Terimakasih @Ocoytea4995 , apa kabar?
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Prekrasan pogled iz vašeg sela na planine @Moestika
Impresivno okruženje…

Hi @renata1 Not only beautiful, but also amazing. There are some beautiful hills that can be visited here. Hills with vegetable fields and also flower gardens. Thank you for visiting.
What an amazing village mbaaa @Moestika … and so peaceful as well! I love to see the different photos of mountains you took at different times, especially the golden hours.
share more of your stories and photos with us ya mbaaa
@Moestika alhamdulillah kabar ocoy sehat bunda.
Harap ku,Kabar bunda pun juga sehat kan???
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Ya Mbak @indahnuria Our country is filled with beautiful and amazing places. Like a little heaven on Earth. Thank you for supporting my post. Good luck for all of us.
Alhamdullillah sehat @Ocoytea4995 sukses selalu ya…
Our village is indeed beautiful. Please visit, don’t forget to invite Pak Ian ya Mbak @MiaAnselmi 
@Moestika it must be a peaceful place as well as beautiful.
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Ini tempat sangat keren keren keren sekali mbak @Moestika betah ini lihatnya.
Semoga suatu hari bisa mengunjungi salah satunya, teima kasih ya !
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Yes, you are right, this place is indeed beautiful and full of mystery, you will have a different experience when you visit it. Thank you for the support @Jahurulhaque
@Nyainurjanah Ayo datang ke sini Mbak, bagus untuk bulan madu lho… 
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You are very lucky to have village sorrounded with mountains @Moestika .
And you are too @MiaAnselmi .
Is it more frequent rainy days in a year ?
In my hometown, sorround by mountain too, form a shoe horse shaped.
The opening is The nothern facing Jawa sea and Jakarta so evaporated water trapped in the horse shoe shape formated mountain and rain drop in my home town.
That make Bogor called the rain city.
How about your village.
In New Zealand have plenty mountain too @indahnuria ? and plenty of rainy days too I think.
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