My Video


Please can an application form 2019 connect live be summited freely after creating the video as fully prompt?


Hi @DJudicious

For filling the application form you need some prerequisites.

  1. One video of 1min.

  2. A post on local guide connect under local story section.

  3. A list on maps. The list should contain at least 5 please and should be public.

This three things you need to do before filling the form. Apart from this you also need to answer some questions which are tgert in the application form.

For more details you can check in Localguide Connect website. :smile:

All the best :raised_hands:


@DJudicious For all official requirements and process, please refer to the official Connect Live web site here. It will have everything you need on how and what to submit for the application .

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Thank you…

I do really appreciate your kind response. Thanks


@SRMAHALIK nice one

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