My trip to Trinidad Bolivia

In January of 2019 i spend around 4 weaks in the small but bitufil city of Trinidad in Bolivia, it wasnt my first time in the city, but never before i had so much free time to get to know more about the city , when i begen loking for places i opend my google maps app to find local restaurants to visit, and i motice that many of them are missing from the map , so i dicided to start adding new places that i found missing on the map.

Wean entering shops in the city i ask premision from the owner to take picture of the place , many of them didnt understand why i am doing this for free, i told the that "i whanted to help small bissnes to had a chance to get know more. there wear some places that ask me for money to take my picture and y say thank you but no, and continue loking for other places.

It make me real happy ,to have this oportunty to healp small bissnes, that dosnt have the money or oportunty to pay for comarcials or big campains , i hope next year i can contunue loking for new places in Trindad and to help others find what they are loking for.