Amasian historian Strabon, “After Alaşehir, comes to the area called” Katakekaumene "called Mysia and Maionia. The land is covered with ashes, the mountainous and rocky country is black as if it were made of fire. He estimates that it was from fiery ground explosions. " It is known for its historical houses, healing spas, mosques, tombs, volcanic hills, Yunus Emre, and the charming district of Manisa. It was the capital of the Germiyanoğlu Principality for a time, and Süleyman Şah, Yunus Emre and Tabduk Emre lived there, Kenan Evren was born there.
It is a unique settlement waiting to be discovered with its historical wooden houses, cobbled, maze-like curved where some of them cannot walk narrow streets, inns, baths, fountains, mosques, bridges, tombs, hot springs.
Every house has a window that sees the street door. In some of the courtyard doors, a separate window was built to see the people coming without opening the door. When you enter through the door, a large stone courtyard welcomes you. The doors of all the rooms in the house open to this courtyard.
Some houses have been restored and live in it. The house where Kenan Evren was born was arranged as the Ethnography Museum. Kestaneciler Mansion is a Turkish house that has been restored and furnished following the decoration of the time. The municipality has put this house into service. You can both sit in the courtyard and drink tea and coffee, and visit a sample Turkish house.
Most of the Kula, which has the youngest volcanic mountains of the Aegean Region, is black due to the recently exploded Black Divlit Mountain. There are very cold and very hot water sources in summer and winter in many points of the city. The footprints found in the excavations showed that the city has been used as a settlement since the early ages. Because of these properties in Kula, Turkey’s first UNESCO Geopark of the world’s 99 were selected. The fairy chimneys, now known as ‘Kuladokya’, are around the village of Burgaz. The region has been declared as a natural protected area and taken under protection to protect these natural wonder fairy chimneys that have been formed by wind and water for thousands of years.
The old traditions that you cannot see even in the half of the district an hour away continue to live. In each ceremony, the teams of the tour visit the city in their cultural zeybek costumes. Moreover, this is not a luxury, it is an unwritten rule that everyone has to make. Wedding meals are cooked in large cauldrons and served to everyone.
Kula has its own mineral water and soda. You can find all kinds. You should definitely try.