My trip to Bulgaria.

Hello dear friends,

Today I would like to share my impressions from my winter vacation in Bulgaria.

My hotel was located in Razlog.

Razlog is located 150km from Sofia,the capital of Bulgaria. This town is located in a valley ,between three mountain-Rila,Pirin and Rhodope.,it make this place unique. In this area,beautiful modern ski resort-Bansko.But not only that attract tourists to the area-local thermal springs with the temperature up to 50’.,clean mountain lakes,authentic architecture,hospitable people and of course wonderful local Bulgarian cuisine.

Bansko and Razlog-towns combining traditions and modern time, unique architecture and morern resort.There is spirit of uniqueness and hospitality. Excellent skiing conditions attract lovers of winter sports. It is great to relax after skiing on the mountains in pool with mineral water

There are more than 60 mineral springs with hot water .

The total lenth of the ski slopes is 70km.

I arrive in my hotel 31.12.

Everything was ready to the New Year party.I must say that it was the most amazing and merry New Year party.We danced national traditional dances,because they are so inflammatory.

At midnight we went to the street to watch fireworks and drink shampagne.

Watch my album-

Next day we visit Thermal Pool with hot mineral water on open air in Dobrinishte.

The third day and others we spent on ski resort in mountains.

Also we went to Bulgarian village Bania-there is perfect hotel “Rimska Bania” with thermal pool,Spa centre, Japanise barrels with mineral hot water.

I injoy my winter vacation in Bulgaria.


My dear friends,

Link to my album

Write your comments.


Hej @helga19 wspaniale! Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Nowym Rokiem :blush:

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Thanks @user_not_found

My best wishes for you in 2019

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Hi, @helga19 . Thanks for pointing my attention to your Bulgarian New Years vacation post. I understand you had a good memorable time in Bansko. I got curious. What’s your favourite meal from our local cuisine?

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Thank you @IrrPavlova for your reply.

My favourite dish in national cuisine is Shopskiy salad.

I like vegatable very much and homemade cheese.

I must say that dairy product in Bulgaria is the best!

I always enjoy yogurt,milk,cheese.


I’m glad to read that, @helga19 . I’m planning to prepare my own cheese when get old one day. :smiley:


@helga19 ,

I’m really glad to hear that you had a wonderful time in Razlog. Next week is going to be my first time in Dobrinishte and I was also planning to check the hot mineral pools there.Do you have any recommendations on where to go and what to try there?

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Hello dear @KlaudiyaG

It is great that you visit Dobrinishte Thermal pools!

There are three pools–the first with temperature 45’,the second -38’,the third -15-20’.

It is recomended to be there 1 hour only, but more is not good for health.

There is cafe with herbal tea with honey.

Best of all I like to be in Terma Spa hotel -“Rimska bania” in the village Bania.It is not far from Bansko-5 km,.There are some pools with mineral water, Japanise barrel with mineral water,ice room,hammam,sauna,.spring.

There is nice spring and mineral pool in Bachevo near Razlog"" Rajdavets".

But it is very bad road in winter and it is difficult to get there.

I wish you have a nice relax there.

Best wishes,


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The Japanese bath sounds lovely. I’ve never tried it, so I would love to give it a whirl. Thank you so much @helga19 for the great tips. I’ll make sure to let you know what how was my stay, if of course you are interested. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @KlaudiyaG for your reply.Sure,it will be interesting for me.


Hello @helga19 ,

I’m very happy that you spent a great time in Bulgaria and that you enjoyed every minute of it.

Don’t forget next time, Plovdiv and Veliko Tarnovo. :slight_smile:


Thank you @BorrisS for your recommendation.

Many years ago -18 years ago I have visited these towns.

But I think if I have possibility I will visit this towns .


I didn’t know that you’ve been to Plovdiv @helga19 . This is so cool. I only hope that you’re stay was pleasant.

By the way, did you know that Plovdiv is officially named as the European Capital of Culture for 2019? So, if you you are planning a trip to Bulgaria, try to stop by the ancient city. I’m sure that you won’t be disappointed. There are a lot of interesting event coming up. If you are interested, feel free to check the Program Highlights. I’ll also tag here @DeniGu , as she will be able to shed some light on this topic. :slight_smile:


Thank you @KlaudiyaG

It is good .news,that Plovdiv is named Europian Capital of Culture 2019.

This town may be has changed a lot since 2001,when I visited it.

It will be interesting to visit Plovdiv again.


Hi @helga19,

Yes, Plovdiv has definitely changed a lot since your last visit!

As @KlaudiyaG mentioned (thank you for the tag!), there are going to be a lot of festivals, concerts, performances, exhibitions, and other cultural events in Plovdiv this year. You can pick whichever you like and plan a visit around that time. The city is beautiful every month of the year, even though I recommend visiting in early spring and throughout autumn. It can get very hot during the summer! ?

Some of the events that I won’t miss this year are Ayliak parade in May and the NIGHT/Plovdiv in September. During the NIGHT, most galleries, museums and theatres are open to the public, and there are many artistic programs in various locations.

The Ayliak parade is organised by the Fire theatre, and there are going to be some breathtaking performances with fire.

Hope to have you again in Bulgaria soon, Inga!


A lot interesting event in Plovdiv this year! It is great!

Okey,I will think to visit Plovdiv in October or November.,may be in summer.

The photo is amazing!!!. How the man make it with a fire?I have never seen such performance. Thank you for it @DeniGu

Have a nice weekend.


That’s great, @helga19 !

As far as I know, the figures are made of wire, on which they put some flammable material. Then they touch the figure with a torch, and it lights up! It’s very impressive to see the flames come to life. :slight_smile:

Have a wonderful weekend, too!

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Hey @helga19 ,

Thank you so much for your recommendations. I had a blast at the Thermal Pool in Dobrinishte. It was absolutely amazing!

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Hello dear @KlaudiyaG

I really glad that you have already visited this excellent Therma pool in Dobrinishte.

I think ,our health is very important thing in our life and it is nessesary to pay attention to it.

I am very glad that I have visited this region this winter ,now I know that Razlog is very good balneological resort.

Thank you for your photo.

I suppose you like this place.

Best wishes,
