I am soufyane young man aged 28 years from Oujda Morocco city of eastern Morocco. Summer 2017 I opened my restaurant in Saidia city 60km from Oujda, It was my first step on google map because I made a request to add my restaurant on the map and that helped my business well. A week later on Saidia, I was looking for good places and read the reviews and experiences of customers who have visited those locations before me. So I found many places that are not even posted on the map despite it deserves to be visited, then I started adding the missing addresses of places that I visit and upload photos and write reviews that will serve other visitors. After the summer I returned to Oujda my main city and noticed that Oujda have the same problem, so I started to add on the map all the places i visit as restaurant, coffee, hospital, GAS station, government institutions to facilitate access to the information for other google users and help them find easily
@Soufyanegourri the food looks very attractive !
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I love what you did, keep informing others, I’m sure there more people need us here to showcase the places that deserve to be shown.