My Short Love Story -Never Ending love for Biryani

Being a Part of southern India, I took over the advantage of South’s Diversity in food and I grew up eating different kinds of Biryani from all around India. India is a diverse nation, there’s literally no end to What new you could explore. Esp with Food. Me being a huge Biryani Aficionado, I love to explore the world of Biryani. And more than enjoying the Biryani myself, I love to share my Biryani experience with others.

Before I tell you what I do/share in Google Maps, Let me narrate you MY LOVE STORY, Which lead me to Google Maps.

I remember, it was my first date at some Not-so-Famous-place (back then Google Maps wasn’t much familiar, So it was hard to remember the places). She saw me puzzled with the menu card, So I was suggested to try Biryani and won’t regret later. “Anna, rendu plate Biryani !”(Ordering 2 plates Biryani) She called out to the restaurant guy. That enthusiasm in her excited Me! I was dead hungry and All I could think of was FOOD.

As our Biryani showed up, I felt the aroma of it coming towards me, and the way she upturns the pot over her plate, some generous amount of raitha and Mirchi ka salaan. Mixing all together with the Biryani and there she gulps down her first bite, exhales in pleasure while shaking her head. “Amazing” was the word! That’s when I fell!

Years passed and since then, Biryani became our routine. Biryani in summer can do things to your heart. As you take the very first gulp, The spice slides down giving you that bliss moment leaving a tingling sensation and somehow make you crave for more. The meat succulent, flavorful and hot makes you go in for multiple helpings. I fell so deep that I started to explore more of it. The Hyderabadi, Murdabadi, Lucknowi, Malabari… and of course Muslim Bhai Biryani still tops my list.

Years passed, Egos Clashed, We drifted…but there’s that one thing I kept clinging to. Yes.The Biryani!

I had almost tried all the Biryani places surrounding my locality by then and was craving to explore more of it. And, That’s when Google maps came into play. The moment I search for “Top Biryani places”, That buffer skyrockets the excitement in me. Also, The satisfaction you get once you see the no. of unexplored places, priceless. :slight_smile:

Once I had most of the places ticked off the map, I started Adding more of unexplored Biryani Places. I Could proudly scream “I am a Local Guide” when the shop owner asks me about myself clicking pictures of the place.

Every time, The steaming plate piled high with lamb threatens to wreck havoc on your taste buds. Mouth waters and it will not be distracted by your big show of squeezing fresh juice from a lime all over the rice. You dip your fingers and pop a palm-full of it in your mouth.

As I enjoy my Foodgasm, My Friend spots the expression on my face and says, “You’re in love with Biryani…”

Maybe it was always Biryani,” you think to yourself.

So, That’s How I started my venture on Google Maps, Also tried to find the same old place where I had my first Biryani Date, But Unfortunately couldn’t, But discovered many other places. This time, Every new place I find, I ADD IT ON GOOGLE MAPS and share which I love to do the most.