The vast majority of my reviews are getting filtered and not showing up to other people. Can someone let me know how i get out of this situation - i suspect a couple of grumpy venue owners have reported my honest (if not very nice) reviews
it now seems all my reviews take months to appear !!!
Honestly we don’t have enough experience with this problem. So predicting when and if the problem can be solved by cleaning out any questionable reviews is something we would love to hear from you about should you try yo clean out your questionable reviews.
Please check Flag and fix inappropriate content , where you can find more details about how to “Fix a review that was flagged by someone else”
If a review you wrote has been flagged and removed, you can fix it yourself. Edit your review to follow Google review policies — for example, you might remove a phone number or URL from the review. Your review will be automatically republished.
Google uses automated spam detection measures to remove reviews that are probably spam. Although legitimate reviews are sometimes inappropriately removed, these spam prevention measures help improve people’s experiences on Google by ensuring that the reviews they see are authentic, relevant, and useful.
Please also check the links provided by @MortenCopenhagen for additional details about content that may trigger a filter
Looking at your existing reviews that are still up @RoyCruse I would suggest avoiding emotive language and use of capitals. Stick to the facts of the experience and avoid interpreting the facts directly, let the reader read between the lines.
As I believe @MortenCopenhagen provided you with all the needed information on your query, I will accept his comment as a solution. More information on that matter is available here.