My Review is helping in a Big way: What about you?

Caption: A screenshoot with Black background and some text is written “your review is helping in a big way”

As a Local Guide, it’s always satisfying to contribute to Google Maps and see my efforts help others. And for me, that satisfaction recently reached new heights as I received an email from the Google Maps team acknowledging my contribution.

The email read, “Your review is helping in a big way! Congrats! Your post just reached a new milestone. It’s now been viewed over lots of times, helping lots of people get the information that they need.” This message was an affirmation of the impact my contribution has made on the lives of people in my community and beyond.

I had shared my experience of a local business, providing valuable information that others could use to make informed decisions. I didn’t expect my contribution to gain so much traction, but I’m thrilled to see that it has helped so many people.

This experience has reinforced the value of being a Local Guide. Every time we add information to Google Maps, we’re helping people find what they’re looking for, whether it’s a restaurant, store, or service. We’re also contributing to a community of users who rely on Google Maps to navigate their world.

What is the status of your contribution? If you want, you can share it in the comment box below.


আপনার রিভিউ সংখ্যা কতো?

প্রোফাইল লিংক দিলে ঘুরে আসতে পারতাম @KamalHossenR



বেশি না ভাই মাত্র 394

[My Google Maps profile ](http://See what I’ve posted to Google Maps Level 8 Local Guide


ওয়াও অসাধারণ :blush: ইনশাআল্লাহ সফলতার সাথে আরো অনেক দূর এগিয়ে যাবেন এই প্রত্যাশা রইলো @KamalHossenR


অভিনন্দন @KamalHossenR আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি।