Maloprije sam pisao odgovor i kad sam kliknuo na objavi, nestao je. Nije objavljen. Nestao je u bespućima svemirskih prostranstava. Dogadja li se to i vama?
Hello @user_not_found
We face that problem while composing a reply on the phone.
Nevertheless, the draft will be there. Please click on the profile icon, then select “My profile” and then click on Drafts tab. You will find the last saved copy there.
Hi @user_not_found
Thanks for reaching out to the community! : ]
Should the case be with crafting a post and checking for drafts, please do feel free to check thoroughly as @C_T kindly suggested.
For the moment, I happen to stumble upon a post that was picked up by the Spam filter, should this reply be the one mentioned in the post?
@sonnyNg puno hvala na odgovoru i sugestiji. Zaista je ovaj forum jedan od najčudnijoj i najneprakticnijih koje sam posjetio. Pronašao sam drafta, medjutim kada kliknem dobijem error:
Hi @user_not_found
Thank you for the provided further details! : ]
My apologies if there would have been any inconveniences, as just to be sure, would the screenshot of your reply would match with the one mentioned in the post An Error?
Do feel free to let us know if it would be leading to a specific post?