My record number of comments and likes is = 101 and 94
certainly not as tall as other friends. But that already makes me proud. In order to increase the number of comments and likes, please open this link and then Like and comment :
My record number of comments and likes is = 101 and 94
certainly not as tall as other friends. But that already makes me proud. In order to increase the number of comments and likes, please open this link and then Like and comment :
Seems you are getting popular @Wisnusetiono !!!
he…he…i hope so @ShakilAK
you are welcome @KamalHossenR . my link FB :
Hi, @Wisnusetiono . Tahukah postingan LG lain sekitar tahun 2016-2017? Ya, saya lihat memang sekarang mendapat kudosnya lebih cepat banyak ya karena pesatnya jumlah LG di dunia dan mungkin karena perkembangan fitur LG connect juga. Dibanding dengan sebelumnya saat itu walaupun acara meet up menarik atau cerita lokalnya pun menarik, jumlah kudosnya tidak sebanyak rata-rata sekarang. Owya, memang postingan nasi jamblang punyamu memang punya keunikan tersendiri. Joss tenan
Kesuwun @Irfan_dPriyanto , semoga bisa pecah rekor lagi
thank you @Nitishkumarz8