My photos viewed over 7,500,000 times 🎉

Today I have got a mail from Google Maps that-

“Congrats! Your photos just reached a new milestone. Collectively they have now been viewed over 7,500,000 times, helping lots of people get the information they need.”

It’s a great achievement for me :v:

Also, Google Maps recognizes me as a top photographer :camera_flash:

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We show the way…
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Congratulations @SanjayBDLG on getting 7.5 million views on your photos and to be a top photographer. In connect, every lg is a top photographer!

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Congratulations on reaching a big milestone! I think 7.5 million is huge views. You are doing really well. Go ahead.


@Rahul001 Thanks for our appreciation.

@Designer_Biswajit Thanks for appreciation. I follow experienced LGs like you.


Congratulations @SanjayBDLG dada

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@alhasanriaz Thanks for appreciation.

That’s great!

Congratulations :clap: @SanjayBDLG

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@NareshDarji Thanks for appreciation.

Congratulations :tada: @SanjayBDLG

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Great achievement @SanjayBDLG

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Thanks for appreciation.

Thanks for your appreciation.

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Congratulations @SanjayBDLG :tada: keep contributing

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Thanks for comment.

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