My photos and your views on Google Maps!

A quick insight into my quest to add photos to Google Maps. Your photos don’t have to be great but any photos that could be helpful to others should be shared.

It is extremely gratifying knowing my photos have received thousands of views including when I now see one of my photos is the first photo that comes up when looking up a location on google maps. At writing this I’m sitting at 9.5 million views on all my photos. Getting close to 10 million views is going to be a mini milestone for me. it helps when you have 4527 photos uploaded. that works out to be around 2100 views per image on average. Grated Google makes it very convenient to do so.

Googles contribute tab in Google maps and the downloaded shortcut makes it extremely convenient to upload pictures, Simply clicking “Add your photos to Maps” fallowed up selecting photos for locations you’ve visited. Google makes it easy to determining the location of where the photos were taken. If the location is incorrect you can click the drop down next to the location name and select or input the correct location if not listed.

I’ve been uploading photos to Google maps for a couple of years now, and it has become sort of a routine for me trying to be the first to upload photos of a location. I love to travel and eat out, because of that when ever I’m in a new location I pull out my phone and take useful photos to ultimately be uploaded and shared.

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PS: I will move your post to the section Local Stories on Connect as it fits better there.