My photo was removed without informing me


This is a paranama photo by drone at Lianhuashan park. It was removed today. If this photo violates a term of Street View or maps, please tell me.

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Hi @muglet ,

Welcome to Connect.

It seems that you have restricted your Google Maps profile for public and that is why we are not able to take a look at the photos you’ve contributed.

Please share the Google Maps link of the place you mentioned above.

Meanwhile, please get familiar with the community policy and its part related to the photo contributions which says: " Take photos that clearly and accurately represent a location. Photos help tell the story of a place. To do that, it’s important that images be relevant and in focus…"



Hello, @MashaPS

| It seems that you have restricted your Google Maps profile for public and that is why we are not able to take a look at the photos you’ve contributed.

I have removed the restrict.

The place is here. :,114.0551893,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3403f473b276927d:0xb583aba8f8122753!8m2!3d22.554571!4d114.057378

and my original photo is here. it represents the whole park of the lianhuashan, so i think it did not violate any policy.


Hi @muglet ,

Thanks for following up.

Please note that content that makes it difficult for others to understand the environment you’re sharing may be rejected.

More you may read in the Format Specific Criteria.


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Thank you for replying me.

I’m sorry about it not show the place obviously,

If this photo is rejected about the place(lianhuashan park), can it be restored in removing the place information in the situation of only keeping the gps location info? It is posted by GSV app with gps location related and it shows a great view at its point of view since it has more than over 160k views already.


Hi @muglet

I would like to understand and learn from this. Would it be possible for you to share the 360 photo so we can study it in a 360 viewer? It is hard to visualize from the flat image. Is it taken from a drone?



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Hi @MortenCopenhagen

Yes, it was captured by DJI Mini 2.

You can view it in 360 by Google Photo here.

Thanks @muglet

My guesses would be the following:

Maybe the removal could be due to the fact that the park occupies only about 15 percent of your shot. It is possible to “overlook” the park and get “caught up” looking at the skyline instead.

Could there be an issue with the legality of flying or drone (even a small one) in such highly populated areas?

Could it be that the AI have interpreted the fog or air pollution as an unsharp image?

Please keep in mind that these are only my thoughts and I don’t have any secret insights into the photo filter besides studying its actions regularly on flat photos.

Maybe @PaulPavlinovich with a lot of 360 experience can help us here.

All the best


PS @muglet the fact that Google did not notify you about hiding a photo is not unusual. This is the way is it for everyone. Unfortunately.

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Thanks @MortenCopenhagen

Very informative answer! Hope Google can be more transparent one day on removing or hiding a photo.

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Hi @muglet a 360 taken from anything higher than about 2m off the ground is likely to be rejected.
